Situation when Blackout || B&W PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART CONTEST WEEK #170

Terkadang untuk mengusir kebosanan, kita butuh kreativitas apalagi dalam kondisi yang sedang ada pemadaman listrik. Salah satu cara yang saya lakukan adalah dengan bermain bersama kamera, mencoba bermacam-macam filter. Dan black n white adalah salah satunya, sangat cocok digunakan saat kondisi yang minim cahaya. Kita bisa menaikkan ISO setinggi mungkin tanpa takut munculnya noise.
Berikut adalah hasil fotonya ;

English version

Sometimes to get rid of boredom, we need creativity, especially in conditions where there is a power outage. One way I do this is by playing with the camera, trying various filters. And black n white is one of them, very suitable for use in low light conditions. We can raise the ISO as high as possible without fear of noise appearing.
Following are the photos;




Foto diatas adalah Submission saya untuk kontes Minggu ini. Terima kasih @axeman dan wox Community for organizing this Contest.

Thank You For Reading My Post and Thank You For All Curators for the Endless Support, Until Next Time, Peace✌️ and Love ❤️ from Indonesia

Here I Am Explore and Expose The Exotic, Regards @mytravelandscape

| Travel Story| Thought| Tutorial|

Makassar 3 November 2023

Unless otherwise specified, text and photos are copyright

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