La Maga Lucia, or better yet, La Maga, refuses to accept what is acceptable...
"La Maga Lucia, or better yet, La Maga, refuses to accept what is acceptable. It is the revelation of the disorder caused by breaking the laws in your life. From that chaos he builds a mysterious, inaccessible and perhaps magical order.
La Maga is the portrait of a sum of imperfections that could have been light. He loves yellow and Gitanes cigarettes. He didn't want to believe in that human invention of perfection. Her mystery made her a vital and complex woman. In an eternal question that is never extinguished. He suffers irremediably when he returns to his memories, but he is capable of swimming vast metaphysical rivers that no man would understand..."
Project inspired by the book "Rayuela", a novel by Julio Cortázar published in 1963. La Maga is one of the main characters in "Rayuela" ...
Congratulations to all ... greetings
© 2020, Orlando Monteleone. All rights reserved
La Maga Lucia, is a composition focused on the face as a portrait proposal. I used a 450 watt Elinchrom torch as the artificial light source, with a 45 degree octagonal Elinchron Rotalux medium softbox. The camera is a Canon EOS 5D Mark II. As for the optics, I used a Canon EF 85mm f / 1.8 USM lens, with a speed of 1/125, with 8 apertures and 100 ISO.