inside out

Photo is clickable for high-res.


location: SPb, Russia February 2022 natural lighting
camera/lens: Canon 5D Canon 70-300mm raw-conv
f 5.6 t 1/125 ISO 200

Fresh stuff! As the daylight is increasing, it is gradually becoming possible to shoot scenes during the day too. In this frame you may see the statue of Chernysheffsky (from his back), but in fact I photographed the snow and the snow cleaning procedures of municipality workers. Here is the proof-pic: they do work!

Световой день увеличивается, и понемного стуновится возможным снимать сюжеты и днём тоже. В кадре статуй Чернышеффского (со спины), но на самом деле я фотографировал снег и снегоуборочную работу коммунальных служб. Вот, пруфпик: работают!

This was my entry to 'Cityscape photography and Art' contest by @axeman — week #110


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