birdwatching - tits, lard and more - macros #315 (8 photo)

A few macros from my today's walk.

As usual, I followed my babygirl to school, and on the way back I inspected the local park.


In the park you may see a lot of birds feeder stations. I like to examine them, add some treats there, and simply shoot these DIY constructions. (There is ab amazing handmade variety out there!)

Birds are extremely happy to have human support, some of them (like crows) sit on trees branches, or fly around scavenging. Sparrows are always in motion - they search for the food. Pigeons seem have an eagle 's vision -they just sit somewhere quietly, and patiently waiting, controlling the situation, looking after all the possible spots where humans may drop a new food. They notice you stopping by a feeder momentarily! As soon as one pigeon notice it and come, very soon another arrive, and then a whole pack fly in.

But the tits are another deal. They love to consume seeds too (sunflower seeds are their fave). But the most delicious and favourite food for them, is lard! And lard do not need any feeders to be implemented - a slice of lard, with the help of a rope, can be hanged at any spot, any branch you like!


I had with me a packet full of sunflower seeds, which I added to a few feeders. Four tits were ready to snatch my treat and visited said feeder as soon as I stepped back to 3 meters ;) Those little feathered balls are very shy and suspicious - they do not let you close, like pigeons, hehe. And the birdie inside of a plastic bottle do not provide a great macro photo, I guess you agree with me!


So I walked further and discovered this bush with a multiple lard pieces hanging off, it looked like a real Christmas Tree! And it was occupied with a real pack of dangerous hungry tits. When I approached they slipped away... I kept silence and stood still (just breathing at my frozen fingers silently all of the time, to prevent my fingers transform into icycles and break off). And after 5-6 minutes tits decided I am more or less harmless, and few of them - the most hungry and fearless - came back. Long story short: here I made those shots.






location: St.Petersburg, Russia March 2021 natural light
camera/lens: Canon 5D 70-300mm raw-conv
f 5.6 t 1/2000 ISO 250 --

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