WoX cityscape photography #125

Another scene from the historical festival "Window to Europe", in honor of the 350th anniversary of Emperor Peter the Great. I took a lot of pictures yesterday -- so, to be continued!

Вот что мне встретилось во время вчерашней прогулки - настоящий абордаж парусной шхуны! Сцена из фестиваля "Окно в Европу", в честь 350-летнего юбилея императора Петра Великого.

Photo is clickable for high-res.


location: St.Petersburg, Russia June 2022 natural lighting
camera/lens: Canon 5D 70-200mm 2.8L raw-conv
f 8 t 1/160 ISO 100

This was my entry to 'Cityscape photography and art' contest by @axeman — week #125.


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All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
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