WoX #133 - cityscape

WoX cityscape photography #133

A beautiful historic mansion that I find difficult to determine which architectural style it is ("the end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century" is our running joke...) The preservation of details and design elements is obvious in the photo, and this way I actually like it better. Although the residents themselves would probably choose the full restoration option - as usual, with 100% replacement of old original elements with a modern Chinese-like remakes :(

In any case, this house and yard fortunately have not yet been restored -- and benefitted my photo so well... The exact address, if you are curious, is Gagarina street, 5.

Красивый исторический особняк, затрудняюсь определить в каком именно архитектурном стиле (конец 19 - начало 20 века, как мы обычно говорим...) Сохранность деталей и элементов оформления -- видима налицо, и мне на самом деле так больше нравится. Хотя сами жильцы, наверное, выбрали бы реставрацию -- как обычно, со 100% заменой старых оригинальных элементов на китайский новодел :( Во всяком случае, этот дом и двор пока не отреставрирован, к счастью, и украсил мою фотографию... Кстати, точный адрес - улица Гагарина, 5.

Photo is clickable for high-res.


location: St.Petersburg, Russia July 2022 natural lighting
camera/lens: Canon 5D 16-35mm 2.8L raw-conv
f 3.5 t 1/50 ISO 100

This was my entry to 'Cityscape photography and art' contest by @axeman — week #133.

Below is original unedited version of this photo, 'as camera saw it'. Feel the difference. ;=)



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