WoX photo #141 mono

Today I was in the mood for processing some of my old photos. I pretty much painted the pictures with black and white -- until my eyes got tired. Again I suggest you admire the wonderful physalis flower, or to be precise, its wonderful seeds. When the hollow physalis seed capsule is deconstructed, the structure of the fibers "developes", as it was a leave - in combination with bokeh and out-of-the-focus capture it always looks spectacular and artistic. A real work of art, created by Mother Nature... but short-lived. Hope you enjoyed my mini-post today.

Сегодня меня посетило настроение для обработки старых фото, и я изрядно пораскрашивал картинки черным и белым, пока не устали глаза. Снова предлагаю вам полюбоваться на чудесный цветок физалис - точнее, на его замечательные плоды. При деконструкции коробочки физалиса, структура волокон "проявляется", как на листьях - в сочетании с бокэ и тем что не вся семечка оказывается в фокусе -- всегда выглядит очень зрелищно и художественно. Настоящее произведение искусства... но недолговечное.

Photo is clickable for high-res.


location: St.Petersburg, Russia December 2022 natural lighting
camera/lens: Canon 5D Sigma 150mm raw-conv
x6 focus stake
f 2.8 t 1/200 ISO 125


I used six separate captures to combine in Photoshop (technology is named 'macro focus stake') to get the final image. Thanks to Adobe engineers, this operation is pretty much automated!

This was my entry to 'Black and white photography and art' contest by @axeman — week #141.


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BLOG is set to 100% powerup, as always.
All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
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