WoX #145 mono

A quick light morning post before running off to the office: winter trees reflections in a spring puddle. It was photographed in March of 2009, on the embankment near the Hermitage Museum. For this publication I downscaled the image and slightly raised the contrast in Photoshop, but did not apply any black and white conversion - everything was photographed exactly as you see it.

Небольшой быстрый утренний пост, прежде чем убежать в офис: отражения деревьев в весенней луже. Было сфотографировано в марте далекого 2009 года, на набережной возле музея Эрмитаж. Для публикации я уменьшил картинку и немного поднял контраст в фотошопе, но никакой черно-белой конверсии не применял - все было сфотографировано именно так, как вы видите.

Photo is clickable for high-res.


location: St.Petersburg, Russia March 2009 natural lighting
camera/lens: Canon 350D 50mm 1.8 ex-jpg
f 5.6 t 1/40 ISO 800

This was my entry to 'Black and white photography and art' contest by @axeman — week #145.


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All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
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