WoX #149

Today is the last day of 2022. No office duties, freedom from all worries except the pleasant chores of householding and festive preparations. I was doing nothing all day long today! But in the evening I ran out to visit rounded a few shops - bought alcohol (two bottles of brandy and two bottles of red dry wine, in anticipation of making mulled wine), two cakes, two kilos of tangerines, two apples (just a couple each!) and many different kinds of biscuits. No, no, this post is not going to turn into a diary game :) I just had my camera with me, and along the way I of course took photos of the cityscapes decorated with darkness, shadows and lights. Fresh photo.

Сегодня последний день 2022 года. Свобода от офисных обязанностей, свобода от всех забот, кроме приятных хлопот по дому. Сегодня я не делал совсем ничего! Но вечером выбежал из дому и обошел несколько магазинов - купил алкоголя (две бутылки бренди и две бутылки красного сухого вина, в расчете на приготовление глинтвейна), два тортика, два килограмма мандаринов, два яблока (всего по паре!) и много разных сортов печенья. Нет-нет, этот пост не будет превращаться в дневничковую игру :) Просто камера была со мной, и по дороге я конечно делал фото городских пейзажей, украшенных темнотой, тенями и огнями. Свежее фото.

Photo is clickable for high-res.


Flower shop entrance -- looks like a light trap for Christmas moths!

Slightly surrealistic trees, isnt it?

location: St.Petersburg, Russia December 2022 lamps lighting
camera/lens: Canon 5D Sigma 50mm raw-conv
f 2.8 t 1/50 ISO 800

This was my entry to 'Cityscape photography and art' contest by @axeman — week #149.


Thanks for the visit!
BLOG is set to 100% powerup, as always.
All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
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