The World of XPILAR - CITYSCAPE art /Sketch of the Rome를 그리다.

Today, I drew Rome.
I've been to Rome Navona Square before Corona. Rome, along with Pantheon and Peter's Cathedral, was a wonderful city to stay in. In the first century, he was the ruler of Europe, so of course.

The obelisk in the center of the square is a fountain of four rivers carved by Bernini. The beautiful cathedral across from it is St. Agnes's, designed by Boromini. They were representative sculptors and architects of the 17th century who competed with each other.
*광장 중앙에 있는 오벨리스크는 베르니니가 조각한 4대강 분수이다. 그 맞은편에 있는 아름다운 성당은 보로미니가 설계한 성 아그네스 성당이다. 17세기 대표적 조각, 건축가로 서로 경쟁자였다.


The Colosseum, a representative architecture, is magnificent, although only the skeleton remains after the Roman plunder in the 5th century. The Germanic people who migrated took all the marble away because they were building houses. 대표적 건묵물인 콜롯세움은 5세기 로마 약탈이후 이렇게 뼈대만 남아있지만 그래도 웅장하다. 이주해온 게르만인들이 집 짓느라 대리석을 다 뜯어간 거죠 ㅎㅎ

The Pantheon is a representative building of convergence architecture created by the cultural openness and acceptance of the Romans. They made a magnificent dome out of concrete. There is a huge window in the middle of the ceiling. It was built 100 years ago.




You'll regret it if you leave out the Trevi Fountain.

The Vatican is a must-see course. There is the world's largest stone-built St. Peter's Cathedral. The Sistine Chapel has Michelangelo's perfect murals, and the Vatican Museum has many representative Hellenistic sculptures. You must see the Laocon Prize. 바티칸은 필수 관광 코스이다. 세계최대의 석조건축 성베드로 대성당이 있다. 시스티나 성당에는 미켈란젤로의 완벽한 벽화들이 있고, 바티칸 박물관에는헬레니즘기 대표 조각들이 많다. 라오콘 상은 꼭 봐야한다.

Michelangelo's earliest Pieta sculpture. 미켈란젤로의 초기작 피에타- 망치를 숨겨온 한 미친놈 때문에 당신은 이제이 조각을 만질 수 없다.
You can't touch this piece anymore because of a madman who's been hiding a hammer.

Laocon appears in Homer's epic. In the Trojan War, which featured the fight between Achilles and Hector and the love of Paris and Helen, he was the priest of Troy who was bitten by a snake of Poseidon.
라오콘은 아킬레우스와 헥토르의 싸움, 파리스와 헬레네의 사랑이 등장하는 트로이전쟁에서, 포세이돈의 뱀에게 물려 죽은 트로이의 제사장이다. -호머의 일리아드 내용입니다.

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