Pretty French Waitress With Drop Dead Gorgeous Roquefort! 2020. Acrylic on paper, 12 x 16"
Money was tight during lockdown year 2020. I vowed to used what I had on hand to paint my way through it. Things wore down, but never my patience. My favorite brushes frayed, and I began to paint with more of a scribble gesture. I actually enjoyed it very much and continue the practice now.
Below is a painting of one of the several brushes that just got too out of hand. Followed by several portraits in the same style.
I rarely draw before painting. I use the brush as pencil and pen.
Retired My Mangled COVID Brush Today 2020. Acrylic on paper, 12 x 16"
Mars at Its Brightest 2020. Acrylic on paper, 12 x 16"
Autumn Upside Down 2020. Acrylic on paper, 12 x 16"
Monday Morning King of the Class War 2020. Acrylic on paper, 12 x 16"
Depressed Man in Need of Easy Skanking 2020. Acrylic on paper, 12 x 16"
Pretty White Girl in Pink Dress 2020. Acrylic on paper, 16 x 20"
That Boy Needs Therapy 2020. Acrylic on paper, 16 x 20"
Distinguished Payne's Gray Man in Mohair Muffler and Sweater 2020. Acrylic and oil on paper, 16 x 20"
Happy Man Waking From a Sad Dream 2020. Acrylic on paper, 12 x 16"
A Kiss 2020. Acrylic on panel, 16 x 20"