Announcement of the WINNERS of the collage contest "BLUE COLOUR"//Announcement NEW COLLAGE CONTEST, "POSTCARD"- "POSTAL"馃摢馃拰馃摦

Hello to all friends of the WOX community and collage lovers.

The day to announce the prizes for the weekly challenge has arrived....

馃 First prize @emmawalt


馃Second prize @haidee.


馃Third prize @esthersanchez.


鉁傦笍 Thank you very much to all of you for participating.


I announce a new very special challenge, which I am very excited to share with you. This week's challenge is to make a postcard, collage one that you already have written, transform a new postcard, make one yourself...

This week there are SPECIAL PRIZES... to the three winners, if they wish, I will send them a postcard made by me by ordinary mail.

It is a way of remembering something so beautiful and almost forgotten as sending postcards.

Although the challenge lends itself more to analogue collage, digital collages will also be accepted. If you want to use the digital postcard to send to your friends, you can always print it and paste it on a cardboard, for example.

This is an example I have made:




. In the title write Wox Booming Support Program / Collage Contest, subject "POSTCARD".

. Only one post per person.

. Use the hastags #steemexclusive #wox-contest #collage and the club you belong to, club5050, club75 or club100. To qualify for the booming prizes, you have to belong to a club.

. You can invite two friends, but you don't have to.

. Both analogue and digital collages are accepted.

. Upload three or four photos of the process.

. A brief explanation of the process is sufficient.

. Plagiarism is prohibited.

. Leave a link to your post in the contest comment thread.


1st prize: Booming Upvote
2nd prize Booming Upvote
3rd prize Upvote Trial by Wox

The contest will end next Monday 15th May at 12PM CET (Central European Time).

c.c. @disconnect


Hola a todos amigos de la comunidad WOX y amantes del collage.

El d铆a de anunciar los premios del reto semanal ha llegado...

馃Primer premio @emmawalt

馃Segundo premio @haidee

馃Tercer premio @esthersanchez.

Muchas gracias a todas por participar.

Os anuncio un nuevo reto muy especial, que me hace mucha ilusi贸n compartirlo con vosotros. El reto de esta semana es hacer una POSTAL, collagear una que ya teng谩is escrita, transformar una postal nueva, fabricar una vosotros mismos...

Esta semana hay PREMIOS ESPECIALES...a los tres premiados, si lo desean les enviar茅 por correo ordinario una postal hecha por mi.

Es una forma de recordar algo tan bonito y casi olvidado como es enviar postales.

Aunque el reto se presta m谩s al collage anal贸gico, se aceptaran tambi茅n collages digitales. Si quer茅is usar la postal digital para enviar a vuestros amigos siempre pod茅is imprimirla y pegarla sobre una cartulina, por ejemplo.

Arriba os muestro un ejemplo de postal collageada.


. En el t铆tulo escribir Wox Booming Support Program / Collage Contest, tema "POSTAL".

. S贸lo un post por persona.

. Utiliza los hastags #steemexclusive #wox-contest #collage y el club al que perteneces, club5050, club75 o club100. Para optar a los premios booming, tienes que pertenecer a un club.

. Puedes invitar a dos amigos, pero no es obligatorio.

. Se admiten collages anal贸gicos y digitales.

. Sube tres o cuatro fotos del proceso.

. Basta con una breve explicaci贸n del proceso.

. El plagio est谩 prohibido.

. Deja un enlace a tu publicaci贸n en el hilo de comentarios del concurso.


1er premio: Booming Upvote
2潞 premio Booming Upvote
3er premio Upvote Trial de Wox

El concurso finalizar谩 el pr贸ximo lunes 15 de Mayo a las 12PM CET (hora central europea).

c.c. @disconnect


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