Announcement of the WINNERS of the collage contest "TRAVEL"//Announcement NEW COLLAGE CONTEST, theme "CIRCLES"- "CIRCULOS"馃寱馃崺馃幈鉀旓笍馃數馃晼

Hello again to all friends of the WOX community and collage lovers.

It's time to meet the winners of this week's challenge.

I am glad that the theme Travel has motivated you so much, you have submitted excellent works.

Every week you are better and better and is very difficult for me when it comes to awarding the prizes. All the collages you have submitted are very worthy and some of them outstanding.

This week's winners are:

. First prize: @lanegra2804


. Second prize: @silher.


.Third prize @vanessageorge.


I repeat that I had a hard time choosing the winners... @emmawalt and @esthersanchez also did two very good jobs. Many thanks to both of you as well.


馃數 馃晼 馃崺 鉀旓笍 馃寱 馃幈 馃敶 馃摰 鈿欙笍 馃帯 馃崶 馃數 馃晼 馃崺 鉀旓笍 馃寱 馃幈 馃敶 馃摰 鈿欙笍 

This week's challenge refers to the geometric shape of the CIRCLE. In collage it is common to use geometric shapes and combine them with human figures or objects.

I have made a fairly minimalist composition, you can look for circular objects among your cut-outs or create them yourselves.


... we tidy it up a bit...


In the absence of a compass I used a box of sweets to cut out the large circles and a coin for the small ones.

Let's look for balls, doughnuts, traffic signs... I hope you like it and I hope it motivates you!



. In the title write Wox Booming Support Program / Collage Contest, theme "CIRCLES".

. Only one post per person.

. Use the hastags #steemexclusive #wox-contest #contest #art and the club you belong to, club5050, club75 or club100. To be eligible for the booming prizes, you have to belong to a club.

. You can invite two friends, but you don't have to.

. Both analogue and digital collages are welcome.

. Upload three or four photos of the process. If you choose digital, upload three or four screenshots.

. A brief explanation of the process is sufficient.

. Plagiarism is prohibited.

. Leave a link to your post in the contest comment thread.


1st prize: Booming Upvote
2nd prize: Booming Upvote
3rd prize: Wox Trial Upvote

The contest will end next Monday, April 24nd at 12PM CET (Central European Time).

I invite you to show your collage creativity to my friends:

@lanegra2804, @sacra97 @pandora2010, @blessedlife, @barski, @ajay27, @estersanchez, @princesslayla, @xaviduran, @ibizaki, @romanie, @camposart, @inspiracion, @reinamia, @norat23, @zhanavic69, @haidee @qwerrie @ty-ty @silher

C.c. @disconnect


Hola a todos de nuevo amigos de la comunidad WOX y amantes del collage.

Lleg贸 el momento de conocer a los premiados en el reto de esta semana.

Me alegra que el tema Viajes os haya motivado tanto, hab茅is presentado excelentes trabajos.

Cada semana os superais y me resulta muy dif铆cil decidir como repartir los premios. Todos los collages que hab茅is presentado son muy dignos y algunos de ellos sobresalientes.

Los premiados de esta semana son:

. Primer premio: @lanegra2804.

. Segundo premio: @silher.

. Tercer premio @vanessageorge.

Reitero que me cost贸 mucho elegir los ganadores. @emmawalt y @esthersanchez tambi茅n hicisteis dos trabajos muy buenos. Muchas gracias a las dos 馃А 馃挏


El reto de esta semana hace referencia a la forma geom茅trica del CIRCULO. En el collage es frecuente usar formas geom茅tricas y combinarlas con figuras humanas u objetos.

Yo he realizado una composici贸n bastante minimalista, pod茅is buscar entre vuestros recortes objetos circulares o crearlos vosotros mismos.

A falta de comp谩s us茅 una caja de caramelos para recortar los c铆rculos grandes y una moneda para los peque帽os.

A buscar pelotas, rosquillas, se帽ales de tr谩fico... espero os guste y motive el reto!



. En el t铆tulo escribir Wox Booming Support Program / Collage Contest, tema "C脥RCULOS".

. S贸lo un post por persona.

. Utiliza los hastags #steemexclusive #wox-contest #contest #art y el club al que perteneces, club5050, club75 o club100. Para optar a los premios booming, tienes que pertenecer a un club.

. Puedes invitar a dos amigos, pero no es obligatorio.

. Se admiten tanto collages anal贸gicos como digitales.

. Sube tres o cuatro fotos del proceso. Si eliges digital, sube tres o cuatro capturas de pantalla.

. Basta con una breve explicaci贸n del proceso.

. El plagio est谩 prohibido.

. Deja un enlace a tu publicaci贸n en el hilo de comentarios del concurso.


1er premio: Booming Upvote
2潞 premio Booming Upvote
3er premio Upvote Trial de Wox

El concurso finalizar谩 el pr贸ximo lunes 24 de abril a las 12PM CET (hora central europea).

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