🌞 Beautiful Sunrises in Eastbourne

There are times when I wish I had more of an interest in photography, that taking the time to get the perfect shot, in the perfect light was something that I got pleasure from. Instead, I enjoy the moment as it is and take a shitty photo so that I don't forget.


When we moved to our current house a couple of years ago, it was (and still is) intended to be our final move, our final home where we will grow old and die. We have the countryside and the beach on our doorstep and can walk into town in about 15 minutes. We also have fantastic views out to sea and across to the South Downs National Park. This was as perfect a home as we were going to be able to afford without some kind of lottery jackpot or Steem reaching over $100.

I also told myself that I'd never take it for granted. We're so incredibly lucky to be where we are that I have to appreciate it. Not necessarily every day, but never to forget. So when I was sat here at some crazy early hour, unable to sleep after an early baby-gorilla awakening, to look out of the window and see the sky the way it was, was a reminder to stop for a minute and appreciate it. So I went upstairs and took a few photos out of the window, thinking to myself. "You're one lucky so and so". I hope you enjoy my pictures even if they are from a phone older than many football clubs latest £50m player.


The South Downs National Park is to the right of these photos. I know some of you have walked down this slope to the café at the bottom (not in the photo).





Our route to the beach and into town is in these photos. I tried to be arty and capture the sun through the trees.





All photos taken with my iPhone 5s on 2 different mornings

Do I have a future in photography or should I stick to writing about Sport? I know that photos of the sky are very popular on Steemit - How well do mine compare?

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