🧱 Celebrating at Legoland, Windsor


With each year that passes, time seems to accelerate beyond comprehension. 2 weeks ago, it was the-toddler-gorilla's 4th birthday and despite life-before-toddler being a distant memory, the fact that he's now 4 years old just doesn't seem possible.

But it's happened, he's 4 years old and the-mrs-gorilla had the great idea of celebrating with a day at Legoland.


We Had To Get There First

As far as mornings and journeys go, we didn't get off to the best of starts. the-baby-gorilla had obviously picked up a bug and after eating his breakfast, he vomited it all down himself. So we had a decision to make... do we cancel? Or hope that he'll be ok? Since we needed to be in Reading the next day anyway, we decided to go and hope for the best... more on that later.

It's a 2 hour drive from our home to Legoland, not too bad but with 50 minutes to go, the-baby-gorilla woke up and screamed a little. the-toddler-gorilla didn't like this and decided the best idea would be to scream at him. Which made the-baby-gorilla scream louder and you'll probably guess what the-toddler-gorilla's reaction was. This lasted for approximately 40 minutes before they both fell asleep and missed our drive down Legoland Drive.


1st Impressions

When we reached the park, the car park was huge but fortunately, not too busy. Once we'd sorted out our stuff and made our way in (without having to queue at all), we were quite simply blown away by the place. It was huge. The models were huge and everything was so incredibly well spaced out. We were told there were rides but at this point, we weren't interested in rides. We were like kids in a toy store - jaws on the floor and amazed by everything.


The giant Lego dinosaur with the microphone was playing music which the-toddler-gorilla wasn't too impressed with.


The Rides

We did decide to go on a few rides though and we were very lucky with the day that we chose to go, I think the longest queue was a 15-20 minute wait with some rides having no queue at all. We went on a sky train which allowed us to see the entire model world...


...a fairy tale boat ride (which we went around 3 times because there was no queue and we didn't have to get off)...






...a hot air balloon that took you up in the sky, helicopters, a fire engine that you could drive and then squirt hoses to put out a "burning building"...


...and the-toddler-gorilla got to drive a little motorised car and earn his driving license. I took far too many pictures to share them all but hopefully the few that I've shared help you to imagine quite how amazing this place is.



You might remember that I told you about the-baby-gorilla being sick in the morning... well at lunch time, we tried to give him a bit of food again whilst sat in the Duplo Theatre and rather unfortunately, he vomited all over the floor 🤮 We were good citizens though and asked somebody to find a cleaner. I went on the Duplo train with the-toddler-gorilla whilst the-mrs-gorilla waited for the cleaner with the-baby-gorilla.


Lego World

Having seen Lego World from the sky, we also explored it on the ground. Once again, far too many photos and even videos to share so I'll choose a place that I know well. Do you recognise it?



Final Thoughts

We had an amazing day and are already planning another trip (maybe even following @petface's suggestion of going to the Denmark version). We got lucky with the day we went - perfect weather, no queues and we still only managed to visit about half of the park.

We ended the day with an ice cream and a visit to the Lego shop... Since it was the-toddler-gorilla's birthday, we gave him free reign to choose anything as a present - he picked up a soft toy which I refused to buy him since it had absolutely nothing to do with Lego. After spending well over an hour in the shop and the-toddler-gorilla only wanting to sit at a Lego table and build little figures, we were the last people there and everybody wanted to go home so we managed to persuade the-toddler-gorilla to build 3 figures (one of which was a lady in a Chinese dress and shark head) which we bought (as well as a little something for myself) and finally made our way home.


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