🥕 Celebrating Carrot Man (25th March 2021 - 17th September 2021)

On the 25th March 2021, many carrot seeds were born into a small garden in the the English seaside town of Eastbourne, given life by The Human. One carrot seed was different to all of the other seeds and was to grow into the carrot that became known as carrot man.

Growing Up

Carrot man noticed that from a very young age, he wasn't like all of the other carrots. Whilst other carrots were either long, chunky and curved or short and straight, carrot man had arms. This made him very useful in the carrot world in which he lived a peaceful life, keeping clear of the slugs and snails that constantly attacked the carrot tribe.

Carrot Fame

Whilst many of his friends fought against these vermin, carrot man focussed on growing stronger - the only carrot capable of lifting weights and pumping iron, he won Strongcarrot of the week for an impressive 7 weeks in a row.

A New Threat

Then The Human returned, pulling the older carrots out of the ground and taking them away. He knew of this great human as the giver of life, the creator without whom the carrot world in this small part of Eastbourne would not exist. So the sacrifices were an accepted part of daily life.

The End

And on the 17th September 2021, it was carrot man's turn to get uprooted from his home and taken into The Great House. His arms were removed, his head cut off before he was skinned, chopped, part boiled, seasoned and then roasted. A fitting end to a great life.

Carrot Man (25th March 2021 - 17th September 2021)

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