B&W photography and art contest week #065 ~ Mechanical typewriter


With a mechanical typewriter, all operations are performed manually, with the help of a built-in mechanism. By pressing the desired key on the keyboard, the lever (stick) with the corresponding, embossed letter character is started. Batic hits the writing ribbon with the ink and thus the letter mark is printed on the paper to which the ribbon is attached.
During writing, the paper holds the roller, which moves with it each time you press the key opposite to the writing direction, and by pulling a special lever, the roller rotates to continue writing in a new line.


The first typewriter was patented by the English engineer Henry Mill in 1714, but the first usable prototype with a roller and a lever was made by the Austrian mechanic Peter Mitterhofer in 1866. Serial production was started by the American factory Remington in 1873.
Electric typewriters appeared in the second half of XX st. (Patented by IBM), and later by microprocessor-based machines, which could display text on a small screen before being printed on paper.
Today, a typewriter is used instead of a typewriter for writing and editing texts, which only reminds of the former device by the arrangement of letters on the keyboard.

 .. thank you ..
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