A journey through the Street Art in València

València is a city on the Spanish Mediterranean coast that in recent years has become the street art capital of Spain. Everything in the oldest part of the city and some neighbourhoods on the outskirts have become a museum of urban art. Each area has its own characteristics, because it should be noted that this artistic speciality has multiple variants, and we should also bear in mind that there are works promoted by institutions and others that are completely spontaneous, bordering on illegality.

The article I present here focuses on the neighbourhood surrounding the IVAM, the Valencian Institute of Modern Art, a neighbourhood of narrow streets with a mixture of old buildings that have been successfully restored, and others that are in clear decadence. In the artists' works we can see an enormous variety of styles and genres, from huge murals to small spontaneous interventions that mix painting, collage and sculpture. Some of the works are critiques to the system while others are purely ornamental.

Here is a selection of what I found interesting on my tour of the neighbourhood.


València es una ciudad de la costa mediterránea española que durante los últimos años se ha convertido en la capital del arte callejero en España. Todo lo que abarca la parte más antigua y algunos barrios de la periferia, han devenido en museo del arte urbano. Cada zona con sus características propias, porque hay que apuntar que esta especialidad artística tiene múltiples variantes, además debemos tener en cuenta que existen los trabajos promovidos por las instituciones y otros que son completamente espontáneos, bordeando la ilegalidad.

El artículo que presento está centrado en el barrio que rodea al IVAM, Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno, un barrio de calles estrechas con una mezcla de edificios antiguos restaurados con acierto, y otros en franca decadencia. En los trabajos de los artistas podemos ver una variedad enorme de estilos y géneros, desde murales enormes hasta pequeñas intervenciones espontáneas en las que se mezclan tanto la pintura como el collage o la escultura. Algunos de los trabajos son críticas al sistema mientras que otros son puramente ornamentales.

A continuación os muestro una parte de lo que me pareció interesante en mi recorrido por el barrio.

"Stay Weird", A clear invitation to be critical of the system.

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A big mural at the back of The Valencian Institute of Modern Art.

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A vandalised work

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Even The Red Cross has their own walls graffitied.

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'The birds district', no irony should be missing.

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Murals decorating private buildings.

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A micro intervention sculpture.

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The Liria Street, completely full of lettering graffiti

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Little free interventions most of them based on collage.

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Do not use any of these images without my written permission.
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Thanks for stopping by and taking a look.

Camera: iPad air

This post is set 3% to @wox-helpfund as the beneficiary.

Cc @bambuka

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