3rd series of Fetus development stages|| Find out the growth of embryo at 10 weeks by @eliany (burnsteem)


Hello beautiful women welcome to week 10 pregnancy development, this is still three months of your pregnancy, you are going 6 months remaining.




Are you curious to know the size of your fetus? It is 3 to 3.5 cm long and all vital organs have formed and are even beginning to function. If you go to ultrasound scan now, you will see the fetus moving arms and legs, this is really beautiful. So many mothers are excited to see this.
Fingers and toes begin to develop, the tooth bud is developing, the head is taking round shape gradually. Development continues


The mother may experience this symptoms such as;

🤰 morning sickness

🤰 weight gain

🤰 headache

🤰mood swings

🤰vaginal discharge


There are lots of complications that is experienced in pregnancy I will like to mention few of it in this week series.

🤰MISCARRIAGE; It is the loss of pregnancy mainly caused by chromosomal abnormalities, other causes include myoma (fibriod) or unhealthy resptoductive system. Self medication could also cause loos of pregnancy, some certain foods too. So mothers need to be careful,so many things can be a contributing factor of loss of pregnancy

🤰 ECTOPIC PREGNANCY; this happens when an egg is implanted outside the uterus, it normally grows in one of the fallopian tubes, which is not spacious and lack of nutrition. It can be painful, and cause damage to the fallopian tube, surgery is required to remove the damage tube.

🤰 PLACENTA PREVIA; this is when the placenta is attached to the down part of the uterine wall covering the cervix, it occurs in women who have fibriod or other uterus problem. Bed rest is recommended for women in this condition.

🤰 PLACENTA ABROPTION; this happens when the plancenta is detached from the uterine wall in early pregnancy. This lead to bleeding, less oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. The causes is unknown but mostly occur in women who are snookers, hypertensive or those who have multiple pregnancy. Pregnant women in this condition are put to bed rest.


Source avoid smoking

So to detect all this complication and give appropriate health attention you needed to strictly observed yourself. Look up for strange changes, do not ignore any spotting you see speak up to your doctor. If you experience severe abdominal cramps, reach out for help. Ultrasound scan will be of help to detect any of this complication.


Excercise can help you stay healthy while pregnant but yet you need too talk to your doctor to know if you can excercise. If you have the following conditions excercise may be harmful.

  • Bleeding
  • Threatened or recurrent miscarriage
  • Weak cervix
  • History of premature birth

If you are fre from this, you can try this few excercises

  • KEGEL;it is done to strengthen the pelvic muscles, it is done by squeezing the pelvic floor muscles repeatedly.


  • Before starting the excercise be sure to empty your bladder.

  • Use the following positions

1 Lying down
2 Sitting
3 Standing

  • Use the right muscle be sure you locate the muscle that controls the flow of urine. You can locate it by trying to stop the flow while urinating and hold it fo about 3 seconds. Then release and repeat it again in 2 sets for about 10 times a day.


🤰It strengthens the pelvic floor muscles

🤰Controls urinary bladder

🤰 Thightens the vagin even after birth

🤰 Support the uterus

🤰It helps you develop the ability to relax and control the muscles in preparation for labor and birth.

  • SWIMMING; swim with care do not drawn

  • JOGGING; please jog with care do not over do, in my next series I will talk about this.


Week 10 pregnancy journey is fantastic seeing your baby developing some organs and even moving is amazing. Babies are precious gift, please value them and take care of yourself so as to make them look healthy.

Feel free to leave your questions at the comment section of this post, or chat me up on WHATSAPP 08039426715, if you are pregnant 🤰 and leaving within Uyo, Nigeria please ImaBridge medical center is offering free antenatal check and free delivery to all Pregnant women, come and be a beneficiary as you will be monitored and care for through out your pregnancy journey

Read about the previous week edition 👇👇

1st series

2nd series



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