SEC S10W4: 5 things I want to do before I die

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Death is the inevitable end of life, meaning we all will die something, hence living a fulfilled life is the prayer point of every and anyone. To live a fulfilled life, there are certain things you have set out to achieve and right here is just a list of 5 things I like to do out of the many before I die.

5 Things I had Like to Do before I die

It seems strange and scary for anyone to be thinking about death at any time, no one is ready to talk about it, but there are many things I would like to accomplish before I die. But here we are writing what we want to do before I die.

Most people call this, "The Bucket List" with the bucket representing life, hence the bucket list representing what we want to do in life before we kick the bucket. I know we all have a bucket list of our own, here are five (5) items on my bucket list.

1. Travel the world, see new places

It's okay to know you can not travel to every part of the world, but still, I look to travelling to the places I can afford to, to see new places, and to learn new cultures and languages. See the different perspectives of humans and situations. I love to tour the world and bless my sight with the wonders the world has to offer me.

2. Accomplish my Dreams in life

It is everyone's dream to achieve as much as they can and accomplish everything they have always dreamt of, and I am no different. I want to dream dreams knowing fully well I can achieve them in my lifetime, I want to be the boss of my own, have kids I look up to, and have a loving family.

3. Make a difference in my world

Like the great minds, the likes of Martin Luther King Jr, Elon Musk, Nelson Mandela, etc. Who made a difference in their respective world and the world in general, being remembered for their greatness. I want to make a difference even if it is just my immediate environment, I want to be remembered for doing something great as a person and I want to be remembered as someone who inspired the upcoming generations even if it's just my environment and not on a global scale.

4. Build good relationships

There is no greater joy than knowing you are loved in return as you love. This not only brings oneness among the family, but it also fosters peace and unity. It is my wish to live a life of peace and comfort with people around me, be it friends, neighbours, family, co-workers etc.

I just love to build good relationships, knowing that I did the best I could when my help was needed.

5. Live a life with no regrets

I wish to live a life with no regrets when death comes knocking, having in mind everyone only lives once, we all have just one life to live, so I want to take miracles of this opportunity to live an exciting life.

Why do you want to achieve this?

As I earlier stated, I want to live a fulfilled life, a life with no regret as much as I can. I also do not just want it for myself, but also to inspire those around me and to let them know we can live together in harmony and as save as inspiration to future generations.

Are you doing anything to achieve it?

There is a saying that goes this way, "Make time for the good things in life, as the bad things are already out there waiting for you", so to be who you are, you have to make it happen.

You can't achieve your dreams if you don't put in the sweat to make it a reality. In that regard, Ooh yes! I am doing everything within my abilities to achieve my goals in life, and to bring even my wildest dreams to reality, after all, everyone is free to dream, but one has to wake up to work towards these dreams.

How do you hope to achieve this?

One may not be able to achieve every one of his bucket lists, but I have to learn that to achieve anything is to be determined, dedicated and willing to work.

My hopes of achieving my bucket list are at a rating of 100%, that's the belief I have and I do not have just the belief, I am also putting in the work.

Is it impossible for you or do you think it can be possible?

All my to-do items listed above are very possible. Impossible is nothing. When you want something you can always achieve it, but it might not be in your required time as you are mastered by time.

We limit ourselves so much that we are not conscious of it any more. We tell ourselves we've tried in the past and, no matter what we do, it just might not work. Funny enough, this could also be an encouragement to do more rather than limiting yourself to the possibilities.


As long we are alive, we are to be open to all possibilities of life, removing limitations from our mind. As much as we all have an end, we can as well enjoy the ride without regrets.

I like to invite @Ruthjoe, @yakspeace, @ikwal and @suboohi

NOTE: Always have a smile on your face, as you are never fully dressed without one.


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