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Hello friends and welcome to my article once again as I share my thoughts in the SEC- S16/W1 in this great community, I do hope you enjoy every bit of my entry.

Name and description of the place you remember as best trip of your childhood.

The best place of my trip as a childhood was the Port-Harcourt Zoo in Rivers State in Nigeria. I was about 8 years old and the joy of visiting animals in the zoo brought that butterflies in my belly. The place is really big and beautiful. I was a kid then and we were not allowed to use phones in school, but I still have the memories of everything that happened back then.

The zoo has lots of interesting and captivating animals and well behaved staff. The journey was quite a long one, it rained severally en route and I got scared too that we were never going to make it to the place. However, on seeing the gates of the beautiful zoo, I got happy and all I could do was smile happily as we alighted the transit.

All the people who accompanied you during the Journey.

The journey was a long one but, it was worth it. We were a pack of 30 students in a big van. My class grade mates and we sang and made melody in the van some hitting the chair others clapping, some dancing and we all changed and sang happily because we had to live to share our experience in the zoo.

The zoo is a beautiful place and we all love the memories. Our teachers were with us and this made is all feel safe, the feeling of seeing our teachers sing with us made us feel happy. The school supported us on the excursion with snacks and refreshments which we were served as surprise after visiting the zoo.

d-w-J1lsOuFmX4c-unsplash.jpgsourcethe zoo adventure is really a place to visit

Anecdotally unique facts you would love to outstanding

I can remember visiting the spot of the chimpanzees about 10 years old as claimed, I saw joy in the animals eye, it gave a leap of joy, my heart skipped for joy it looked at me intently, expecting something from me. I handed it a meat pie snack, I had in my bad its tail waggled uncontrollably, it gave some quacking sound in disbelief and happily brought out it's hand to get the bounty.

Moreso, I visited the ostrich zone, they are pretty tall and beautifully adorned with the feathers, it made a pleasant sound to welcome it's guests, it hopped to me making the ground shake, it was a giant ostrich. I felt so happy as a kid providing for these animals. It looked at me again and I threw it banana, it swallowed almost immediately and I watched the fruit figure go down it's long road in it's throat. It was a beauty to see these animals.

joshua-j-cotten-qAarpDrkb4E-unsplash.jpgsourceI fed the hungry chimpanzee in the zoo

Any other detail or aspect you want to share with us in the publication, what happened in the travel?

The lovely Lions den was the last place of our visit. The male lion walked majestically out of its den to welcome it's visitors ! Goose bumps kept crying off my skin, I felt the glory of the animal. I can't explain my feeling we all gaped our mouth in awe of the predator because It was a giant male.

Furthermore, it roared a bit and yawned, we all retreated in fear a tale was told by the attendant that lion is the oldest in the zoo. It was brought to the zoo by a South African tourist who fed the lion from childhood at that point. He shared that one faithful day the lion had not eaten and the man walked in to play with lion! The hungry lion pounced on him tearing his bowels and that was the end. We looked at the mystery beast and all we could do was stare at the beast!


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