The TASTE of 😋 your TRIP (3nd Week) - Trip to Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park

Good evening steemiant friends wherever you are, I hope you are always in good health and there are no obstacles in facing your days. This is my umpteenth participation in CONTEST !!! The TASTE of your TRIP organized by the #SaturdayMemories community chaired by Mrs. @olga.maslievich

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This time I will share about my trip in 2016 with my friends to Malang (East Java, Indonesia). This trip is a journey to take part in an international scout competition held at Selorejo Reservoir (Malang, East Java, Indonesia). We departed using the Garuda Indonesi plane for 2 hours 45 minutes to Jakarta, from Jakarta we continued the flight to Malang for 1 hour 45 minutes and continued our journey by bus for 1 hour 20 minutes to the Selorejo Malang reservoir by bus.

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After arriving there, we set up a tent and did some racing activities, the race there lasted for a whole week and we were very tired. After a week of very exhausting competitive activities, we decided to take a vacation trip to Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park.

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Actually, we had planned this plan before we took part in this international scouting competition because we know it will be very difficult for us to come back here for a vacation with close friends like this. Therefore, we make the best use of our time so we can have a vacation in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park.

Long story short, we are ready to go to Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park by using the bus that we have rented, which takes almost 3 hours from Malang through a winding road. The trip is done at night because we are catching the view of the sunrise which takes place at the top of the Semeru perch. After arriving at the first spot, the bus that we were riding in turned out to be unable to go through the small lane to get to the surise spot we were headed for, we were forced to rent another type of jeep to pass this small lane.

After traveling for about 45 minutes, we arrived at the place. When we first got off the jeep, we felt very cold air which we rarely feel because basically we live in a coastal area. It takes some time to adapt to adjusting our body temperature to the cold air that we rarely feel.

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After waiting for a while and sunrise appeared to greet us. We took some pictures there and waited again when the sun was getting higher, after the light we were able to get some more photos with incredible views that directly point to Mount Bromo which stands proudly.

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After the photo taking session, we ate fried foods and had breakfast at several places to eat at the sunrise post before continuing our journey to Mount Teletabis and noisy sand. After breakfast we went back to the jeep to go down to the Teletabis mountain area and took some photos, finished from there we headed straight to the noisy sand that was slammed wide with views of the towering Mount Bromo.

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The day is getting hot but it doesn't feel hot because the temperature in this area is very cold because it is a national park and is very protected by the government and local residents, so the nature is still very beautiful and not polluted.

We are lucky that when Bromo is not erupting here, we are therefore able to climb the top of Mount Bromo, it takes extra energy to climb the steps one by one. However, it all paid off when we were at the top of Mount Bromo, the smell of sulfur is very pungent because this Mount Bromo is still active today. We took some photos at the top of Mount Bromo because the view was really good.

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After we finished we got off and we immediately got back into the jeep and rushed back to our starting post by jeep td. We also returned to using the plane until we arrived back in Aceh safely.


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Bromo Loc

Thank you for taking the time to read a little story about our trip to Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. I am very happy to join the third week of theCONTEST !!!The TASTE of your TRIP organized by the SaturdayMemories community. Thanks also to Mrs. @olga.maslievich who always give appreciation to us writers so that our enthusiasm is well maintained in sharing our trips to various places.

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