The Taste of Your Trip - Romantic Dinner on Lonely Beach

This week I am joining again to this awesome contest by @olga.maslievich.
Yes, we are different than the majority and mainstream is our enemy, for sure. I will not claim, we are 100% adventure seekers who are in search of the last remote place on this planet. However, from time to time, we like to embrace our Indiana Jones side and make our little expedition to some faraway place. In Malaysia, we were almost one month on Tioman Island. At that time we got to know the island in the details. Frankly, I dare to say that we explored every corner of it.


One day we opted for a remote Monkey Beach, which is between Salang Village and Panuba Inn Resort. To get there, we walked for about two hours in a dense jungle, with a lot of mosquitoes, a few snakes and god knows what else. But in the end, the prize is worth it – the secluded beach with pristine nature. Is there any other way? Of course, it is, you can rent a boat taxi, but where is the charm of doing that. Well, unless it is an emergency! On our way back we desperately needed a boat taxi. I got stung by a bee and because of my allergy, the traveling time mattered.


After finding out that we forgot the allergy pills, we were in for the second shock; the man didn’t answer the call. Unfortunately, all the taxi numbers written on the rocks were from the same guy. What a shame!

You can walk through the jungle or grab a boat-taxi. I recommend a nice hike!

So what now? Plan C, obviously! Vivi kept her cool and urged me to cool down in the sea while she was desperately trying to get us a ride. After the first two boats got away she pulled out her secret weapon; the neon-colored T-shirt. After that, the first passing boat came to get us and we went straight to the hospital.

Sunrises on Tioman are spectacular.

In the hospital, the island doctor sang me a freestyle song about an allergic reaction and gave me a few shots. Before my bottom lip started shrinking, I have become the man everyone wanted to see. That was the last thing I wanted, but hey why not let people smile a little. Now we laugh at the situation, but with massive gratitude for a happy ending in our hearts.


Before that incident, we slept under the starry skies and only jungle animals were our company. Sunsets only for two and sunrise without tourist joggers. A dream come true! If you ever have a chance, visit Tioman and hike to the Monkey Bay (hint: next beach is even more impressive) and relax. Just make sure you have enough water with you because there is no shop in this area. So why should you go there?


To relax, go away from people and just think. We are a lot on the road and interaction with people is our main activity. After all, this is the only way to get some information about places, cultures, and food. But from time to time we prefer a quiet, lonely place and this beach is one of them. Not to mention, it is a white sandy bay with plenty of tree shade. Nature sounds are the only “noise” that might wake you up. Talking about nature, if you are an animal photographer, this is paradise. Tioman is an island with many different butterflies and chasing them with a camera is fun.


We wouldn’t be Wild ‘n’ Free if we wouldn’t have some food with us. Packing light and keeping it simple we bought hot dogs (ironic, the food we rarely eat) and toasts for some old-school campfire dinner. Indeed not the cuisine for our taste, but after a few months of eating in many fine dining restaurants, this felt right. Of course, we were responsible and took care of our trash and put out the fire to avoid any possibilities of spreading it. We cherished the bay where we could roast the cancerogenic processed meat on a stick with an unforgettable sunset. Michelin star? No, but one million stars for sure!


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