SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge - Nectar Queen

I've been unbelievably hooked into the Land of Monsters and magic! I'll be doing only my 5 daily quest tonight, and thankfully I have made it into the Golden III and I'm hoping before season ends I can make it to at Silver III! I'd consider that a pretty darn good season, given this is my first season, and I've been playing only 5 days!

Anyways, this will be my first Share Your Weekly Battle Challenge and this week's monster is Nectar Queen! She has been one of my favorite and go to monsters, be it a high mana or a low mana battle.

Her Meele attack is quite strong, so is her health.
The only downside I first thought of Nectar queen was that her speed was a bit less. But I figured out a way to use this to my advantage and now despite having 5 cards, I'm not too sure I wanna upgrade her just yet.


The Battle

The rule was interesting one and the first time I got this rule. It was the Reverse Speed Rule. The monster with the lowest speed gets to attack first! So immediately I was thinking, I need to line up with monsters who have a pretty strong attack up-front and low speed. But till then, I had been using monsters with a strong speed as an important selection criteria. And then it suddenly hit me, Bam! I had just bought Nectar Queen off of Monster Market as it was just so cheap and I liked the fact that it had a strong attack and good health and also the fly ability. I was thinking will slowly upgrade later and increase the speed. But didn't realize this low speed was gonna come in this handy!

My Lineup

I chose Biceratops for position 1. It had the lowest speed in my lineup, with a two _meele_ attack. But Nectar Bee had double the attack strength. So why did I choose Biceratops ahead of Nectar Queen?

I Like to have Meele attack monsters in the first two positions, because once the position 1 monster is out, the position 2 comes in and if it's a range attack monster, it'll be useless at position unless the rules specify range attacks can be done from position 1. Yes, I can have magic attacks, but it's very early stages for me and I don't have too many monsters with enough range attack to fight in positions 3-6.

The highlight of the show! In comes Nectar queen at Position two. The reason for this is a very strategic one. Usually I'll prefer a meele attack monster with reach at this position. But the one with reach I had, had higher speed, lower attack strength, both which would go against me if I used it. So I improvised. the reason I placed the queen here is the fly ability. Thus that would give her more chance of evading range attacks while sitting Idle. This way she'll still be pretty close to full health after Biceratops falls. Biceratops at this position would mean while position 1 monster is doing the attacking, Biceratops would just be sitting taking damage from range attacks and by the time it is needed, it would have lost most of it's health, or have been done for already! And if that happened I wouldn't be getting the maximum attack out of Biceratops.
The final monster I had was Mushroom Seer. There were two reasons. The first reason is pretty obvious, low speed and a decent magic attack. The reason for choosing a Magic Attack in position 3 was, that was the first time I was using Nectar queen and I wanted to have my back covered in case she failed. So a range attack monster here wouldn't be ideal. And a meele attack monster would just be wasted as it wouldn't inflict any damage sitting at position 3 and be taking damage only.

The second reason was its Silence ability. My opponent used magic attack monsters in his previous battles so I wanted to dampen that.

So there you go, My first battle with the Nectar Queen! Went pretty well as you can see from the video. You can also Watch the Battle here if you like.

As i'm still starting out, my cards are at quite at a low level and I have been using Nectar Queen quite often. Even at level 1 she is super strong and because of her high health, I have found her extremely helpful in a lot of battles against opponents who had much higher level cards than me, even maxed out ones. The proof lies in the fact that even with my low level monsters, I have managed to break into the Silver III (just), in only 4-5 days, as a complete noob to splinterlands!


The season is about to end. I'll go complete my daily quest now. I'm sure I'll be using Nectar Queen quite a bit!

If you haven't dived into this land of magic and monsters yet, I can guarantee you you will love it! Do use My Referal Link to start playing!

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