DOGE POWER Trickle Up Ecosystem - Round #2


In order to properly understand this next Round of DOGE POWER, it would be wise to visit DOGE POWER Trickle Up Ecosystem - Round #1, as this post continues from there.

DOGE POWER is based on a fictitious blogging app called which we hope to see built on the Steem blockchain. In the 1st Round, we laid out some of the parameters needed to understand and build a Trickle Up Ecosystem, and how it might look in action. We would like to now expand some of those parameters, and proceed to the next Round of what our blogging experience could be like in this new style of Proof-of-Brain.

The site uses the open source Steemit condenser, but with the following modifications:

  1. You must have a Steem account to enter the app

  2. Once you have a Steem account, you will log into with your private posting key, at which point you are automatically assigned a Doge address for deposits. This transaction will be recorded on the Steem blockchain, which will link that Doge address to your Steem account

  3. Once deposits are enabled, a Developers' account will be created to handle DOGE withdraw requests. All deposits that come into the system, would be redirected to this main account

  4. Create code for the creation of transactions - Custom JSONs - that would record the activities of the user's DOGE address, including deposits, transfers, staking, upvoting and posting. This would allow for the Steem blockchain to simulate those DOGE within the Steem system

  5. Create a staking feature that would allow you to Power Up your simulated DOGE into DOGE POWER, much like we already have within the Steem system

  6. DOGE POWER does not gain interest, but allows you to upvote posts and comments

  7. All upvotes have a fixed value of 1% of the total DOGE POWER (DP) in your account, so someone with 100 DP would have an upvote equal to 1 DOGE

  8. Author posts and comments will generate an automatic self-vote, also 1% of DP

  9. All upvotes, whether Author or Curator, will transfer DOGE from your stake to the reward pool of the post or comment; so with the previous example, the 100 DP upvote would transfer 1 DOGE to the reward pool of the post, causing that user's DOGE POWER to reduce to 99 DP, and the post receiving the value of 1 DOGE; this also applies to the Author's self vote

  10. Reward distribution occurs after 7 days, like Steemit, but would be a 10/90 system, where 10% of the reward pool goes to the Author, and the remaining 90% would be spread out equally amongst all Curators, irregardless of what DOGE POWER they contributed to the reward pool

  11. If the post or comment does not receive any curation upvotes, all rewards are returned to the Author

  12. Power Down is set at 8 weeks

  13. You cannot delegate your DOGE POWER

  14. All DOGE or DOGE POWER is displayed with 8 decimal places

  15. If User A Mutes User B, User B can no longer vote on User A's posts or comments

  16. If an account is inactive for 6 months, that account forfits it's DOGE and DOGE POWER

Let us begin the 2nd Round of our experiment!

In the 1st Round, we looked at three users as examples of the different kinds of people who might participate in this new ecosystem. We had hoped to see some comments based on the questions that were raised in order to evaluate the different kinds of attitudes that could emerge from such a system. Nevertheless, we move forward with our own opinions.

User A has the most stake, and represents what Steemians refer to as the Whales, which are the greatest wealth holders in the ecosystem. User A posted in the 1st Round, was curated by User B & C and at the end of 7 days, took a loss in the distribution of the reward pool on his post. We would like to consider User A as an entreprenueral author, who is more concerned with the quality of his posts, and the building up of a genuine following. As such, User A has not deceided to Power Down and leave, but rather, be patient and continue participating as an early adopter.

User B did not take a loss, but noticed that User C received a greater reward, despite having contributed less than everyone else. Curious about this phenomonon, User B decides to continue participating by posting in this Round, and does some research on the Trickle Up Ecosystem.

User C is ecstatic! Not only did he bring nothing into the system, but he came out with the greatest reward. Having had such a postitive experience, User C decides to invest and stake 100 DOGE into his account. Furthermore, User C begins talking to his friends about his experience, and convinces User D to join the site.


User A991.50000000
User B501.75000000
User C106.75000000
User D0.00000000


Reward Pool
User AVote981.585000009.91500000
User BPost496.732500005.01750000
User CVote105.682500001.06750000
User DVote0.000000000.00000000

Reward Distribution After 7 Days

User A4.80000000986.38500000
User B1.60000000498.33250000
User C4.80000000110.48250000
User D4.800000004.80000000


As User A, would you be upset that you took yet another loss in your DOGE POWER, not only as an Author, but also as a Curator? Would you perhaps Power Down and leave?

As User B, would you be be upset that you took a small loss in your DOGE POWER, and be reluctant to continue posting and perhaps stick to just curating?

As User C, would you be excited that once again you gained positive rewards, and not only; the friend that you invited to the site also had the same kind of positive experience that you had as free user? Would you be willing to invest more DOGE and invite more friends? And seeing that both User A and User B took a loss as Authors, would you be reluctant to post?

As User D, would you be excited about the rewards you gained, as your friend promised, and perhaps be willing to also promote the app to your friends? Would you be willing to invest some DOGE of your own, seeing the excellent gains that you and your friend are making? And seeing that User B took a loss in this Round, would you be reluctant to post?

Please bare in mind that what you are looking at is a snail-paced version of the actual ecosystem, so that you can get an easy glimpse of how the economy works. In reality, the system would be far more dynamic, with posting and voting on a daily basis; thus, the first week of any new user would show a lot of DOGE POWER going down, followed by a steady rise after 7 days when the first rewards begin to trickle in.

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