Weekly Abuse Report 101 | Steem For Ladies Community / Steem Fashion&Style Community / STEEM4STUDENTS Community

When we include an image or article owned by a person/site in our own post, crediting the owner with the name or source link purifies the image or article we use. But if we use someone else's text or image without giving any credit to its owner or continue as our own, then it is plagiarism.

I worked in "Steem For Ladies", "Steem Fashion&Style" & "STEEM4STUDENTS" community for 1 week. "Steem For Ladies", "Steem Fashion&Style" & "STEEM4STUDENTS" communities are new communities. Members from different communities are posting in this community. The more posts in that community. Good reward is available. The more people do plagiarism in that community. I shared the things. I noticed in the last 1 week in the "Steem For Ladies", "Steem Fashion&Style" & "STEEM4STUDENTS" communities.


Previous Posts, Guides, and Project Information:

Guidelines for Steemit Users. [ Abuse Watcher ]

Steem For Ladies

"Steem For Ladies" is a medium quality community with fairly good posts being made daily. Currently this community has total subscribers 1196, total posters 92 and total posts 500. I have worked my best for the past 1 week.

Steem For Ladies - admins: @patjewell and @liasteem, moderators:
@steemladies, @aviral123 and @solperez



Steem Fashion&Style

"Steem Fashion&Style" is a new community. There are no posts in this community. There are 1-2 posts per day. Currently this community has total subscribers 816, total posters 39 and total posts 134. I have worked my best for the past 1 week.

Steem Fashion&Style - admins: @ashkhan, moderators: @hive-126193, @uzma4882 and @drhira




"STEEM4STUDENTS" is a new community. There are no posts in this community. There is one post in depth every day. Currently this community has total subscribers 194, total posters 16 and total posts 39. I have worked my best for the past 1 week.

STEEM4STUDENTS - admins: @solexybaba and @ruthjoe, moderators: @mato445 and @badmus-official



Repeated Post Reports:
NoUsernamePost LinkPlagiarism TypeCommunity Name
1@onomzy001@onomzy001/my-exam-experience-by-onomzy001Repeated PostSTEEM4STUDENTS


There are 5-6 posts per day in the Steem For Ladies community. Each of the admins and moderators of this community are very active. They check every post well. I have worked on this community for the past last 1 week. I have not found any plagiarism posts in these 7 days.

Steem Fashion&Style is a new community. This community has an average of 1 post per day. I have not found any plagiarism posts in this community.

STEEM4STUDENTS is a new community. This community has an average of 1 post per day. I have not found one plagiarism posts in this community.



Vote for @bangla.witness

Thank you

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