The Diary Game

I am so exciting to hear that the challenge of today is "The Dairy Game" because I can take part in this challenge without struggling on what should I write lol

Alright, I am going to show you guys my daily life which is the daily life for most people in here Hong Kong:

Usually I get up at 7:45 am to brush my teeth, washing my face then I will go eat breakfast outside.

I am very punctual, I arrive to the cafe at 8am everyday, after finished my breakfast I will get a seat outside the cafe to enjoy my ice coffee and playing phone for a while before I get to office:


I arrive office at 8:30 everyday, I won't start working too early as my offical working hours is from 9-6, usually I will check if i have got up vote or comment of my post on here Steem, and also reading news on the net.

Usually I focus in reply customer email and handle some paper from 9:30 to 11:30, there is nothing special and I dont' think it's appropriate to show the company confidential on internet without their premission.

Personally is not a workholic type, just like many people, I would stop and pick up my phone to chat with people on group chat, the following group is about steem community, not so bad huh?


Happy lunch time, yeah, I still have to eat alone because I am still being qurantined, but I think you guys will say it's better to eat alone during lunch hour in Hong Kong after you have see the following picture:

Can you imagine how difficult to get a table for 4 in Hong Kong during lunch hours? So many people squeezed in a small restaurant like this



It took me 15 minutes to get the delicious lunch, their fried potatos are FABULOUS, by the way, the Ice Lemon Tea is very good Hong Kong style, you MUST try it when you visit Hong Kong someday.


People always saying that Hong Kong is a small city with high population density, take a look, you can see the illegal double park on the street everywhere because it's bloody difficult to get a temporary car park in here Hong Kong.


Time flies, I gotta get back to office to work after I finished my great lunch, then I needa handle the boring paper work again...

After few hours of struggling, time to off for work. I am going to show you how busy our city is during the peak hours, we can see there are soooooooo many vehicles after the office hours, I wanted to take a picture to show you guys how many people queue up for the bus but there was my bus arriving then I needa rush to get on the bus, therefore I didn't have chance to take a picture....


I arrived home at 6:45, actually there is only 2 KM between my home and company, jealous of me huh?

The above is my daily life, thank you very much for your time, have a nice weekend.

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