What I'll like to be talking on here is about the life of " an only child". You might be wondering what is there about an only child because most of us believe only children are spoiled children cause their parents spend on them and give them everything they want but that is not the case. I've heard so many assumptions about only children.. some say they are spoiled, some say they blocked the way from their siblings, some say they are or killed their twins in their mom's womb.
Growing up hearing this doesn't particularly help the situation given how they already feel lonely. Believe it or not only children grow up and practically spend their lives pleasing others because they are scared of loosing people they are scared of being alone cause they know exactly how that feels.
There is something called only child syndrome.Only child syndrome” is the belief that only children are spoiled, bossy, and antisocial— but this stigma isn’t actually true. Actually, there's plenty of good news about only child traits. Research shows that they're self-confident, well-organized, and ambitious. In fact, an only child’s personality benefits from his parents' undivided attention and emotional support in several ways.As it turns out, the fact that only children spend so much time alone is also an advantage. "Onlies are often creative and focused because they need to learn to entertain themselves.
Despite all this things only children also suffer from depression because they tend to be very lonely at times and can't seem to answer the questions why they can't have siblings and it means alot to them. They spend most of their time in hopes of having a sibling one day no matter how old they are that is why they love and cherish friendship so much and also their loved ones around them. It tends to be a disadvantage to them because others know their weaknesses which is scared of loosing people and loved ones..
Let's learn to give only children more love,more support and also making them feel more comfortable around us not making them feel left out because they don't have siblings. Let's take out time to understand them too being patient with them is another thing.