Hello dear steemians, I thank @thegreens for bringing forth this amazing contest. Perhaps our creativity will be sharpened in the course of this project. Below is what I title Chongwa the mysterious kid 1
(Pict Made by @majerius on spark post)
Originating from a little corner of the grassfields of the northwest region of Africa in miniature, came forth a young lad called Chongwa. He was the second fruit of a second tree in a forest not more dense than a week without the weekend.
From a family skeptical about cultural roots he grew following every bit of traditional rites and initiations without prior knowledge of how the outside world would look like.
He was only 4years when he began attending all death ceremonies and served everyone with cups to drink palm wine. Bit by bit he grew, and subsequently he began drinking the stuff till one day at age 8 he was intoxicated by this stuff coupled with "snuff" which he sniffed a huge dose his little body couldn't metabolise😔 , on the floor he fell, his body shivered and trembled like an old Nokia phone on vibration. His father, Pa Cho was around but all he could utter was "if he is a man he will surely wake up". The crowd's applause amplified and in their eyes one could see the enthusiasm and anxiety void of hope for the poor 8year old boy.
After 4hours of being in trance, he coughed out and his little beautiful eyes opened. Tears filled his aunt's, Sister Grace eyes who was a leader of the church charismatic group! She had been praying endlessly for her nephew since he was born.
How happy she was when he got up, while others clapped the father for the "wise words" he spake, she ran to him and held him in her arms before helping him up.
And it came to past that Chongwa was age 14 which was said to be the initiation stage of every kid in the village. Pa Cho without hesitation began teaching Chongwa all the doctrines he was a custodian of. Despite the fights sis Grace fought both in the physical and spiritual, Pa Cho had an upper hand on Chongwa's destiny. He got initiated and became the heir to the deity the father worshipped.
Chongwa became used to the routines of this god and he started doing things he couldn't understand. He began smoking all kinds of herbs, villagers began complaining of goats, sheep, field and pigs mysteriously disappearing from their farms. He received an earthly wisdom which made him drink alcohol and never get drunk no matter the quantity he took. As if it wasn't enough, puberty set in and the exploration of his new self became a nightmare to all the village girls, when he couldn't get any to quench his thirst, he either went to his room and locked the door using the nail on the door and you could hear him groan in pleasure. But when he wasn't around it was in the deepest corner in the bush he satisfied himself.
His dad noticed all this and gave all kind of offerings to their god but it went worst each time he tried appeasing them. His mind was full of worries and stress but he knew not what to do. For it is written, Jeremiah 10:23b, it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.
Chongwa was now 20years and at the peak of his havoc to the people of his land when unfortunately Pa Chongwa kicked the bucket he didn't buy😭.
Chongwa began thinking about his life but thought about his life while still living his life. Aunty Grace kept persisting in prayer and kept reminding herself of the scripture which says And she said, Oh my lord, as thy soul liveth, my lord, I am the woman that stood by thee here, praying unto the LORD., 1Samuel 1:26
Indeed aunty Grace had the heart of Hannah who gave birth to Samuel. Sis Grace prayed and prayed and finally met with Chongwa, spoke to him about Christ but each time he wanted to take the step, something discouraged him and he left.
Sis Grace kept persisting in prayer and fasting and after 21days of prayer, Chongwa encountered God! How?
He was about to travel to the next village and he took a bike, he didn't take his usual charms He used to tie round his wrist and waist, neither did he drink the concoctions for protection and behold an accident occured and the bike rider with whom he was gave up on the spot but
Chongwa as a result of the shock went unconscious and he heard a voice! That was the Lord speaking and saying, "where are all your charms to save you?, Should I let you go this way? Tears began flowing down Chongwa's cheeks while unconscious. He woke up in the hospital after 2 days and the first name he pronounced was aunty Grace!
He got discharged of the hospital and went to his aunt's house and told her what happened. He submitted to Christ that day and all the addictions and habits he had left him within the blink of an eye. He began cultivating a prayer life which waxes stronger day after day, He studies the word of God daily and attends every meeting days in church. The love he didn't have, he found it in God and is now a custodian of the eternal books of the almighty monarch of Zion.🔥❤️
No he wasn't in the village anymore, he left for the city with his aunt, sis Grace!
It's never too late to surrender to Christ! No matter what situation you are facing, no matter the shackles he knows how to tackle it. With men it is impossible but with God, all things are possible. He says in his word that he himself will give you peace by all means. That is 1thessolonians 3:16
What a wonderful God we serve!
Thanks for reading and leaving a comment.
God bless you, Shalom ❤️