Luminious Eagle
Image source: https://splinterlands.com/?p=card_details&id=151&gold=false&edition=4&tab=lore
Dragon Jumper
Image source: https://splinterlands.com/?p=card_details&id=203&gold=false&edition=4&tab=lore

It was a 32 mana level battle with the rule of earthquake and melee. I was putting a team together and selected two flying ones: Luminious Eagle and Dragon Jumper.
Then I click [Battle] accidentally. Damn, my 13 mana level team is up against what power but the battle is going to happen and the earthquake too. But pleasant surprise is, we won. Good teamwork. Luminious Eagle ,Dragon Jumper and earthquake. 😎
这是一场32mana等级的对战。规则是Earthquake(地震)。 我正在组织队伍,并选择了两个飞行的:Luminious Eagle and Dragon Jumper.
然后我不小心点击了[Battle]。糟糕。我的13mana等级队伍不知会遇到什么力量但对战是要进行而地震也会发生。但是令为了惊喜的是,我们赢了。很好的团队合作精神来于Luminious Eagle ,Dragon Jumper 和地震. 。 😎
Link to the battle | 战斗链接:

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