Today active user report brings an important update, that is actually the first step of a new idea we are developing behind the curtains.
From today, we introduce to you our ACTIVITY SCORE.
As you noticed from our previous daily reports, we counted POSTS, COMMENTS and VOTES that each day the subscribers cast in this group.
Based on these activities, we decided to give a specific point to each one of it based on the importance we think that activity has in the community:
- 2 Points for the POST
- 0.5 Points for the COMMENTS
- 0.2 Points for the UPVOTES
The sum of the daily points earned because of the activity in the group will decide the winner, and of course the most active user.
After the bot plagiarism check and the #cub5050 eligibility, before publish the winner, they will be manually double check to be sure that no abuse was committed.
The winners will receive a prize, on daily, weekly and monthly basis, based on the points they could accumulate, but this requires further developments, so please stay tuned, and be active, because more activities and engagements, more points, bigger prizes!