The Diary Game || A better life witch Steemit || Saturday 31-07-2021||A baby shower day°

The Diary Game || A better life witch Steemit || Saturday 31-07-2021||A baby shower day°

Hello dear friends of Steemit, it is a pleasure to greet you today, a Saturday night.
Hola queridos amigos de Steemit, es un placer saludarles hoy, un sábado por la noche.


Today is my cousin's baby shower, it is a special day, because they are going to reveal the sex of the baby and we are going to share as a family, we are all eager to know if it would be the boy or the girl.
Hoy es el baby shower de mi prima, es un día especial, porque van a revelar el sexo del bebé y lo vamos a compartir en familia, todos estamos ansiosos por saber si será niño o niña.


She is my cousin, her name is Daybrys, we are all happy because she managed to get pregnant again, because her first pregnancy ended in a natural abortion, that made her sad and depressed, but we thank God that she will soon give birth.
Ella es mi prima, su nombre es Daybrys, todos estamos felices porque logró quedar embarazada de nuevo, porque su primer embarazo terminó en un aborto natural, eso la puso triste y deprimida, pero damos gracias a Dios que pronto dará a luz.


They adorned everything with elephant images, I helped them prepare everything and it was really very beautiful, it was time to reveal the name and sex of the babe To our pleasant surprise we found out that she will be a beautiful girl and will be named Massiel Salomé.
Se adornó todo con imágenes de elefantes, les ayudé a preparar y fue realmente muy hermoso, llegó el momento de revelar el nombre y el sexo de la bebé, para nuestra agradable sorpresa nos enteramos de que será una chica hermosa y se llamará Massiel Salomé.


They are my mom @ yury1977 and my little sister, posing so that I could take the pictureIt was really a wonderful night, full of surprises, joys and where we were able to meet as a family, because as we are in a global pandemic, these moments are not frequent.
Está mi mamá @yury1977 y mi hermanita, posando para que yo pudiera tomar la foto Realmente fue una noche maravillosa, llena de sorpresas, alegrías y donde pudimos conocernos en familia, porque como estamos en una pandemia global, estos momentos no son frecuentes.


My mom and I playing around with the photographs, while they revealed more surprises and did some contests where all of us who were present participated.
I am happy to have shared this unforgettable moment with all of you, I hope to see you again soon on my blog, it was a pleasure for me, to show these photographs that were taken by me.
Mi mamá y yo jugando con las fotografías, mientras revelaban más sorpresas y hacían algunos concursos donde participamos todos los que estábamos presentes.
Estoy feliz de haber compartido este momento inolvidable con todos ustedes, espero volver a verlos pronto en mi blog, fue un placer para mí, mostrar estas fotografías que fueron tomadas por mí desde mi teléfono Alcatel B1

Until the next entry to my blog, take good care of yourselves, rest.

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