Honeymoon in the Honeycombed HIVE


Professor Bruce Lipton, cellular biologist and best-selling author of The Biology of Belief : Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles, coined a term known as the Honeymoon Effect. It's that moment of euphoric ecstasy when you encounter a new love, land that ideal job, move to a beautiful new neighborhood or even grab that latest action-packed game for your XBOX. The world seems to light up with optimism, and there's that adrenaline high of stepping into a new experience. Before hearing of Dr. Lipton's interpretation, I personally observed this same phenomenon in life, and called it the Infatuation Syndrome; but Bruce does a way better job of explaining it both scientifically and spiritually.

The basic idea is that when you engage in a new experience that excites you, there is a sudden, but temporary, suspension of your inner-demons, your traumas, your negative conditioning. You suddenly feel alive with hope and enthusiastic optimism. You've got your rose-colored glasses on, and the world seems so... well, rosy!

So the lonely bachelor with the big beard, messy house, who hasn't washed his ass in a week, suddenly meets a new girlfriend, and breaks out with a razor and shaving cream, does a little dance with his vacuum cleaner and rigorously scrubs between those butt cheeks! When he sits down to dinner, at a fancy restaurant, for his first date - after pulling out her chair, of course - he's bright-eyed and smiling. Who would have ever imagined that just two days ago he was suicidally depressed in his funky underwear.

Fast forward four months - I'm being generous - and those demons in the closet who have patiently awaited for the Honeymoon Effect to ware off, finally rear their ugly heads!

The HIVE Revolution is on!!! Optimism is being sprinkled everywhere by the busy worker bees, while the macho, masculine HIVE High Council sip delicious and intoxicating STEEM Honey from their gold chalices. When the Honeymoon ends, however, the HIVE will awaken from their drunken stupor, and realize that there is no Wise Queen Bee around to manage this inebriated group of delusional rogues who will be wondering why the honeycombs are empty, and the worker bees are depressed, and suicidally looking for another funky ass to sting!

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