Steem Exodus: The HIVE Minority and the Silent Majority

While the HIVE High Council and their minions continue to vociferously sing, "We Are the World," and the Steemit Team, along with Darth Sun and the Steem Shadow Council, are doing an amazing job of transforming our blockchain, the Silent Majority remain voiceless and unacknowledged!

Both sides continue to use the term "community", which is fine; it's a nice word intended to bring people together, but the HIVE High Council and their cronyistic, nepotistic cheerleaders should rather be more inclined to refer to themselves as a clique!

The Steem "community", however, should pause, reflect and allow for a moment of silence to remember those who are no longer with us. Forgive me for sounding so macabre; fortunately, no one has died! And much to the dismay of the HIVE High Council, neither has Steem died, NOR WILL IT!

But if we are to talk about "democracy", and what the "community" has decided, or desires, we ought to show more respect to the 1,000,000+ Steemians who have cast their vote by abandoning their accounts!

That's correct, 1,000,000+ Steem accounts are inactive, while 1,000+ active HIVE lackeys, and the 1,000+ Steem members (who for the most part are people playing both sides of the fence), talk about what the "community" really wants, or what it has decided. The Silent Majority have long ago spoken with a resounding voice that clearly says, "We're disappointed with Steem, and we're leaving!"

Do the math: 1,000+ vs 1,000,000+ means 99.9% of Steemians are not being heard, nor acknowledged; while those remaining Steemians have to take abuse from a 0.1% HIVE Minority who are too full of pride and hubris to recognize that we have all failed, and genuinely need to start over!

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