[EN/JA] Japanese love cherry blossoms / 日本人は桜が大好きです/ HK-JP-SG cross-community challenge


Hello everyone. I’m @cafelate.
Do you like cherry blossoms? In Japan, for about a week when cherry blossoms are blooming in spring, everyone looks up at the sky, looks at the cherry blossoms, feels the arrival of spring.
Of course I love cherry blossoms as well.


Origin of the name of cherry tree (Japan name: "Sakura") / 桜の名前の由来


Although there are many theories of the name of cherry blossoms, I like the theory that "sa" refers to the place where "God of Sa" "Kura" is the place of God's place.
There is a way of thinking that there are many gods in Japan (it is called "Yaoyorozu".) "God of Sa" belongs to that god.


I feel that the feeling of believing in the god of "Yaoyorozu" is getting faded in modern times. Still, I am thinking that everyone likes cherry blossoms because I remain deep within the heart of the Japanese people.


How to enjoy cherry blossoms / 桜の楽しみ方

Cherry-blossom viewing / お花見

The most standard way to enjoy is "Ohanami".Japanese bring food and sake to places where you can see cherry blossoms with friends, spread like a picnic and rejoice that everyone cherry blossoms bloomed. (Well, most people are only in the form, it is also an excuse for the Japanese who is busy to play as an excuse, not an upright thing, it is a casual outdoor party!)
In a place where cherry blossoms are particularly beautiful in Japan, which is said to be "the place of cherry blossoms", stalls are out, a lot of people gather, it is indeed a festival situation.


Eat Sakura / 食べる

Salt the flowers and leaves of Sakura and eat them as toppings of Japanese sweets. Also, Sakura can drink as tea. It can also be jammed. However, it is limited to edible cherry blossoms.


Enjoy the scent of Sakura / 香りを楽しむ

Extract the fragrance of cherry blossoms and enjoy it with perfume. The scent of cherry blossoms is a sweet and nostalgic scent.


A lot of Sakura goods will also be on the market! / 桜グッズもたくさん出回ります!


Every year, a lot of Sakura goods are on sale in order to make the spring feeling exciting. A drink of a limited time cherry flavor will be released from that Starbucks too.
Here are just a few of the whole Sakura goodies, but for example:

  • Stationery with Sakura designed (pen, notebook, note etc)
  • Sakura's flower tea, Sakura colored cake, Sakura flavor's green tea
  • Sakura taste chocolate
  • Sakura's energy drink until the flavor! !


  • 桜がデザインされた文具(ペン、ノート、メモなど)
  • 桜の花のお茶、桜色のケーキ、桜フレーバーの緑茶
  • 桜味のチョコレート
  • 桜フレーバーのエナジードリンクまで・・!!

Even in the field of advertisement design, we are sure to add Sakura's illustrations to March, April advertising campaigns.


Photos of Sakura will fill up with Instagram and Twitter / InstagramやTwitterでは桜の写真でいっぱいになります

When cherry blossoms begin to bloom, they will be filled with photos of cherry blossoms even on SNS. Users upload pictures that they took. Even people who do not always take pictures make cherry blossoms conscious as subjects. It is Sakura's magic.


You know how many Japanese people like cherry blossoms?
When you become a person who likes cherry blossoms too much, some people are crazy to keep track of cherry blossoms for a year, changing jobs and keep taking pictures! !


Japanese love of cherry blossoms may have brought habits and the environment / 日本人の桜好きは習慣と環境がもたらしたのかも


From young people to old people, Sakura are always on their side in the spring of the Japanese.Perhaps because everyone is always watching Sakura, it may have become a flower that colors the Japanese spring.
Sakura are planted in every alley, park and school without Sakura viewing, so you can see the cherry blossoms just by taking a walk without deciding the purpose.


If you have the opportunity to come to Japan in the spring, please do look at Sakura!
One thing to note: Since Sakura is very delicate, it will get sick soon, do not fold branches or pinch flowers. Enjoy and have fun!


この記事は、「HK-JP-SG cross-community challenge」のエントリーです。

ルール:JPEN 香港 - 日本 - シンガポールの共同企画(5/4〜5/11) HK-JP-SG cross-community challenge (Let`s try!) — Steemit

EN/中文/日本語 All set! Launching HK-JP-SG cross-community challenge, rules’re here \HK-JP-SG跨區文化挑戰規則在此 \HK-JP-SGクロスコミュニティのチャレンジを開始、ルールはここにあります — Steemit


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