今後の文化的課題のサンプルポスト| A sample post of the upcoming cultural challenge | 即將到來的文化挑戰的示例帖子


@kinakomochi, @moromaro, @yoshiko, @steemitjp, @yasu24 and @shogo ( @rt395 はあなたに私を紹介しました), @sho-t , @yo-yo, @fukako@yo-yo はあなたに私を紹介しました。あなたの#fridayinpictures について)。

@jrvacation さん 、 @kinakomochi さん、 @sho-t さん、 @yo-yo さん、そして @fukako さんと建設的な会合がありました。 @kinakomochi@sho-t@yo-yo は、今後の文化的課題について書く方法に精通していないかもしれない日本のコミュニティに対して懸念を持っていました。潜在的なコンテストの理解を助けるために、これはあなたにいくつかのヒントを与えるかもしれないサンプルの投稿です。私は日本のタクシードライバーについて書いて、簡単な英語で書くつもりです。英語の流暢さは大したことではありません。私たちは英語の創作コンテストを持っていません。私たちは文化の中の特定のことをなぜ愛しているのか、単純で平易な英語で考えることを見たいと思っています。簡潔で分かりやすい英語を書くのに役立つように、日本語を主要言語とし、Google翻訳を使用して日本語から英語に翻訳することができます。日本人が英語で書かれたあなたの投稿をまだ読むことができるのは、人々が理解できないからです。わかりました、私はGoogle翻訳も使っていて、簡単な英語を日本語に翻訳しています。





@kinamomi san, @moromaro san, @yoshiko san, @steemitjp san, @yasu24 san, @shogo san, @sho-t san, @rt395 san、このサンプル投稿を転送してもらえますか?したがって、文化的課題に興味を持つ人々は、この投稿に触発されるかもしれません。ありがとうございました。

日本の文化に関する私のサンプル - 大阪のタクシードライバー


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自分の写真 Own photo 自己的照片


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自分の写真 Own photo 自己的照片


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自分の写真 Own photo 自己的照片




Hello everyone and @kinakomochi, @moromaro, @yoshiko, @steemitjp, @yasu24 and @shogo (@rt395 has introduced you to me), @sho-t, @yo-yo, and @fukako (@yo-yo introduced you to me about your #fridayinpictures).

I had a constructive meeting yesternight with @jrvacation san, @kinakomochi san, @sho-t san, @yo-yo san, and @fukako san. @kinakomochi, @sho-t, @yo-yo had a concern over the Japanese community may not be familiar with how to write about the upcoming cultural challenge. To help a potential contestant understand better, this is a sample post that may give you some hints. I am going to write about taxi drivers in Japan and write in simple English. English fluency is not a really big deal, we are not having an English creative writing contest. We want to see why you love a particular thing in a culture, what you think about it in simple and plain English. To help you write simple and plain English, you may write in Japanese as main language and use Google translate to translate Japanese to English. It is because people cannot understand Japanese can still read your posts written in English. You see, I am using Google Translate too, translating simple English into Japanese.

Your posts must be original and have some pictures. If pictures are not you own and you need to borrow pictures from the Internet, please acknowledge it 'as borrowed picture'. Your posts, should be about 300 words in the mother language, so you can explain your personal experiences of a culture you are writing about and everyone can appreciate the culture in your posts.

In this challenge, contestants can choose either Japanese, Singaporean or Hong Kong cultures. It can be anything about Japan, Singapore or Hong Kong, travel, food, sports, transport, people, entertainment…..

If you have not been to Japan, Singapore or Hong Kong and still want to write about it? Sure, you may have read some books or watched some television on these cultures. Please cite your sources.

The purpose of this cultural challenge is to have fun, promote community harmony, connect people in Hong Kong, Singaporean and Japanese communities, and to give support to people in these communities.

@kinakomochi, @moromaro, @yoshiko, @steemitjp, @yasu24, @shogo, @rt395, could you please resteemit this sample post, so people interested in the cultural challenge may be inspired by this post. Thank you.

My sample post about the Japanese culture - Taxi drivers in Osaka

Taxi drivers I had seen in Osaka were tidy, safe and courteous on my last trip to Osaka. They worn tidy suits as uniforms with a black tie. The taxis inside were extremely tidy and clean. However, some taxi drivers in Hong Kong can be very dirty and smelly. Taxi drivers in Hong Kong do not wear uniforms.

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自分の写真 Own photo 自己的照片

Taxi drivers I had seen in Osaka opened the door for us when we were getting in or off the taxi and they waited until we fastened seat belts. However, most taxi drivers in Hong Kong do not care about passengers.

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自分の写真 Own photo 自己的照片

Taxi drivers I had seen in Osaka were polite and safe. They greeted us with smiles, they drove safely on the road. However, most taxi drivers in Hong Kong are rude to passengers and dangerous drivers.

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自分の写真 Own photo 自己的照片

Taxi drivers I had seen in Osaka were fair. They used the meter and charged the exact fare. However, some taxi drivers in Hong Kong cheat money out of tourists.

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自分の写真 Own photo 自己的照片

The positive experiences I have had with taxi drivers in Japan may mean the drivers are committed to their jobs and they see safety, tidiness, and courtesy as three things important to them. These three things together may show the Japanese culture in the taxi industry where everyone is a part of it contributing to a culture. If someone does not do things positively, other people including tourists may have a poor image about the culture.

The Hong Kong culture might have been tainted by those ill-behavioured taxi drivers in the eye of tourists or foreign visitors. If most taxi drivers in Hong Kong could meet those standards held by those Japanese taxi drivers, the taxi industry in Hong Kong could be much better. Local people and tourists could be happy about it.








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