(ENG/JP) 洗濯物の干し方 in シンガポール ~ How to dry the laundry in Singapore / HK-JP-SG cross-community challenge

Hello, Steemians! I am accepting HK-JP-SG cross-culture challenge and writing a post regarding the way they dry their clothes in Singapore.
Much like everything else in life, Singaporeans do laundry a little different than we do.


I flew up to Singapore to visit one of my girlfriends who was there a few years ago. (Actually I was born and grew up in Japan and currently live in Australia, down under).

She lived with her husband in a high-rise apartment (Public housing apartment) where was 15 minutes off Somerset by MRT train. I visited tourist spots while I was staying at her place.

On my arrival day in Singapore, I opened a window at her place to look outside and noticed that there was something hanging on a long bamboo pole sticking out of her next-door neighbour's balcony. I was much frightened at the sight.

Reference : Google image

I asked her, " What are they on a bamboo pole? Why does the pole come out of the balcony?".

She chuckled, ''Those are the laundry that are hung on the pole to dry. Most of the residents in the apartment dry clothes like that way, because there is not much space to hang them in the balcony. It astonished me at my first sight though."

Me : '' What if those clothes fall off the pole?"

Her : " Umm, they go downstairs to fetch the clothes and wash them again. I usually dry all the laundry in my clothes dryer, it's a lot easier!
I don't want to hang all the stuff on the pole and take the pole out, too much job!''


So many countries, so many customs and culture. LOL


皆さん、こんにちは。今回、HK-JP-SG クロス・コミュニティー・チャレンジでシンガポールの文化について投稿することにしました。

そしてシンガポールの住宅事情ですが、シンガポール人の8割がHDB (Housing Development Board)と呼ばれる高層の公団住宅に住んでいます。この公団住宅はシンガポール国民しか購入できません。しかしながら、外国人は賃貸することは可能です。



私は友人に、「物干し竿に掛かっているものは何?洗濯物なの?どうして物干し竿がバルコニーの外に出ているの?」 と聞きました。


私 : 「もし洗濯物が落ちたらどうするの?」

友人 : 「うぅん、下まで拾いに行ってまた洗濯するんじゃないかしら⋯。私はいつも乾燥機で乾かしてるの。だって干すの面倒くさいし、乾燥機で乾かす方が簡単だもの。」


Thank you for reading!

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