【EN/中文/日本語】A Tear-Jerking Song / 淚流無法控制之神曲 / この曲を聞くとたん、絶対泣きます #HKJPSG Cross Community Challenge

Hi Steemit and #HKJPSG Community Steemians!


I am Sean from Singapore, and I love travelling to Japan. I am happy to be participating in the first cross community challenge. I will be introducing a Japanese song and Anime that I really like, and write about why I like it so much.

*I apologize for bad translation, I had to use Google Translate for some hard parts* *文章中有些部分我非得用Google翻譯不可,自己找不到字來形容,請見諒 >< * *Google Translateを使てみました。翻訳が間違って申し訳ありません。*



ZONE - Secret Base 〜君がくれたもの〜

This song was released in 2001 by ZONE, but I only knew about it in 2011 when watching the Anime series Anohana.



Anohana is one of the saddest Animes that I have watched, and this song plays at the right time in the show to make the moment extremely touching. I believe that the song has much more impact for people who have watched the Anime. Even after so many years have passed, I always feel a wave of melancholy once this song plays. For many fans of the Anime and ZONE, this song is especially meaningful, and it is hard to hold back tears once this song starts, and the lyrics go through your head.

《未聞花名》是我人生中觀看過的最悲傷的動畫片之一。我相信這首歌對那些觀看動漫的人有更大的影響。 即使這麼多年過去了,一旦聽見這首歌,我總會感到一陣憂鬱。 對於動漫和ZONE的許多粉絲來說,這首歌特別有意義。



It is really interesting how a song can bring out so much emotion in a person. This song is very memorable to me because it reminds me of my life and state of emotions in 2011.

我本身覺得一首歌如何在一個人身上帶出如此多的情感是非常有趣的。 這首歌讓我十分難忘,因為它讓我想起了2011年的生活和情感狀態。


Voice Actress version/配音演員版本/声優バージョン

Music is a very important aspect of our lives, gives us happiness, or helps us when we are feeling sad. I think that we all find meaning in different parts of music, the tune, or the lyrics. In general, Music is also an important Cultural Asset that defines different generations.

音樂是我們生活中非常重要的一部分,給了我們快樂,也在我們感到難過時輔助我們。人人都不一樣,都在音樂的不同部分(曲調或歌詞中)找到自己的意義。 一般來說,我也覺得音樂也是定義世代的重要文化財產。

音楽は私たちの生活の中で重要です。それは私たちに幸せをもたらします。 私たちが悲しい時には、私たちを助けます。私は、音楽、曲、または歌詞のさまざまな部分ですべて意味を見つけると思う。 一般に、音楽は異なる世代を定義する重要な文化財でもあります。

How about you? Have you watched Anohana before?
What is a song you find a lot of meaning in? Please let me know :D


意味がいっぱいある曲を知っていますか? おすすめください。

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For my introduction post please check here!
Where else have I travelled to?
Check Seanytan's SteemitWorldMap!

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