Hobby Hub Challenge - Astronomy is My Hobby

I am stargazer, my hobby is astronomy.

The contest #Hobbyhub is initiated by @sweetpea and you can post about your favourite hobby.

Here is the link with all the details:


Let me show how it all started


In the beginning there were countless nights looking up the sky and searching for the planets, naming the brightest stars, recognizing the constelations.

It was exciting to find a place, dark enough and despite the city lights to spot meteor showers. Frankly it was single ones but still I was excited seeing quick flash.

Next thing was to spot the International Space Station ISS for short. I subscribed to receive notifications on my e-mail when ISS is passing above my town. It gives you time, position, how long it will be visble and where it will disappear. My friends are joking that I receive messages from the mother ship 😉

Here is an example

Time: Thu Oct 12 7:27 PM, Visible: 2 min, Max Height: 80°, Appears: 23° above WNW, Disappears: 77° above S

I live on the top floor, got big balcony facing south and rooms facing north. Easy to see the ISS through the window and then to run on the balcony to trace it when it will disapppear. You may ask how it looks like. It is visible with naked eye like a bright star moving extremely fast.

Fact - the speed of the ISS is 27,600 km/h; 17,200 mph

Next thing obvoiusly was to buy a telescope. And here it has arrived and me - assembling all bits and pieces.


I have said that many times - I was mesmerized and glued to the eyepiece.

There were many wows when I first saw Jupiter and the four Galilean moons. And bigger wows when I pointed the scope towards Saturn. I see the rings of Saturn!

I am afraid I am not able to show you pictures of the planets as my camera is not good enough.
There were several attempts to photograph but I wasn't happy.

But what I can proudly show is the pictures of the Moon. I had posts before with many pictures of the Moon. Now it is New Moon but soon there will be new series of my original images to share with you.

So, let see some of my best shots.



It is so beautiful to watch the craters and different phases of the Moon. Sometimes clouds can pass in front and gives another unique view. However all I wish for is clear skies. 🔭🌠

I am absolute beginner in astronomy and I am having a whole universe to explore. Who wants to join me in this exciting journey 😀?


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