[CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT!] YouAreHOPE has the perfect gift giving idea for your holiday season!

Hello Everyone!

To ring in the holiday season of giving, YouAreHOPE is pleased to announce our first fundraising contest.

YouAreHOPE brings Help, Opportunity, Purpose & Empowerment to disadvantaged people worldwide via our Agents of HOPE who deliver food, water, clothing & more with the help of our generous community & the border-less power of the STEEM cryptocurrency.


The YouAreHOPE Foundation does good deeds throughout the year in countries all over the world.

All of this takes place based on the steem block chain via the volunteer network of steemitizens who participate in our mission efforts as Agents Of HOPE located all around the globe working together to get things done for the people on Earth who need it the most.

We are funded directly by donations from steem community members like you, who choose to send a little SBD or Steem our way to apply to the purchase of goods and services which make all of this possible.

As we enter the world-wide end of year holiday seasons, no matter which holiday you celebrate or where you live on this planet, we all tend to recognize the end of the year as a time for giving, reflection, and planning for the future.

As we at YouAreHOPE reflect on the past two months of our first year, having formed only in October of this year, we are proud of what we did in a very short time with your help and we look forward with anticipation to what all of us can accomplish together next year!

The time to think about funding first-of-year initiatives in places like Venezuela, Nigeria, Philippines, and Puerto Rico, among others, is now. Please consider taking part in our awareness and fund raising campaign this holiday season. We are counting on you, and so are the people who need us so badly to respond with aid, now, and in the future, because for them, YOU are HOPE.

The goal of this contest is to post to raise awareness about YouAreHOPE and to ask your followers to consider a donation to @YouAreHOPE in the form of SBD or STEEM. Delegations are also encouraged and needed to support our volunteers via curation, but the goal of the contest, and the prize determinations are as outlined below, and based only on donations and donor counts.

Thank you!


Contest is open from now until MIDNIGHT UTC Dec 25th, 2017

Prizes will be determined and awarded sometime during evening of Dec 26th, 2017


$50.00 STEEM Gift Certificate to use at PayWithSteem.com

$25.00 STEEM Gift Certificate to use at PayWithSteem.com

If the same person wins both totals, second place will go to the second largest donation total instead so that two people can win no matter what.



We cannot stop you from talking to people, of course and to a point we encourage you to ask your friends to donate for this great cause, but comment spam, or chat room spam related to this contest will not be condoned and will disqualify you from winning.

You must always make 100% original posts in all regards related to this contest.

You may turn off post earnings if it makes you feel better or keep your post earnings or donate some or all of them to YouAreHOPE as you wish, but it is not required. We are not concerned with your post earnings, for the contest. We are only concerned with the donations sent with the proper memo defined below.

Donations must be submitted with a memo that reads as follows:

YouAreHOPE Holiday Gift Donation on behalf of: your_steem_name

tag your posts #youarehope

Link your contest entry posts below these announcements if you like!

Entrants may not win on their own donation alone and may only make one donation on behalf of themselves, you must have solicited your winning donation total from at least two others on the platform via your promotional posts about your entry into the contest.

Donations are not refundable. Mistakes made during entry or lack of memo will potentially not count towards your entry. Please make sure to explain the memo to your entry supporters.


1. Make a post promoting donations on your behalf to YouAreHope. Tag it #youarehope
2. Encourage your readers and supporters to send a donation to YouAreHope.
3. Make sure each donation has the memo in the form shown above in the longer rules.
4. Read the longer rules. Seriously, this is important. Give it two minutes, please. :-)

Thank you for supporting the efforts of @YouAreHOPE to provide Help, Opportunity, Purpose and Empowerment to bring aid to poverty stricken peoples in distressed locales all over the world through the help of the steemit community and the border-less power and transparency of steem!

Oh and just as an afterthought... You could always make donations on someone's behalf and win the prize for them as a gift, to pay it all forward even!

Good times!

Generosity abounds here. Let's use it wisely together!

May whatever holidays you celebrate as we approach year's end, be enjoyable and pleasant!

Yours in Service,
Founder, @YouAreHOPE Foundation
Top 100 Steem Witness

YouAreHOPE Foundation is the first worldwide humanitarian aid focused organization that runs exclusively on transparent steem and steem backed dollars, while empowering Agents of HOPE in economically distressed locales, our fellow steemitizens, to do good acts for the most impoverished people of Earth. All powered by the loving generosity of the steem block chain community. Learn more on our account at @YouAreHOPE or join our discord at https://discord.gg/zkTeKeS

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