[Homeless] Daily Update #10 - (Day 8 - Sunrise and Poetry!)


This morning I awoke in Commerce City, CO around the corner from the Sapp Brothers Truck Stop. As I drove to the truck stop (where I am now) the sky caught my attention. The pic above was from just before sunrise and the colors where already spectacular. As soon as I got inside and setup my laptop I gained a measure of inspiration and penned the following:

The Nomad's Prayer (Original Poetry by @venuspcs)

Beneath a star filled sky I lay,
Hoping I can find my way.
To the next place I'll wind up,
Probably begging with my cup.

As I walk along this road,
Looking for my next abode.
Let the journey be clear,
And my next home near!

Keep me healthy and strong,
All these days long.
Help me to see my way,
Even on those cloudy days.

May each ride be nice,
And not give me lice.
May the people I meet,
Ensure I have food to eat.

When I sleep at night,
May I wake up, alright.
When I wake up today,
May I not be old and gray.

But when my time does arrive,
In the next life let me thrive.
Let me be free as an Eagle,
Not some yappy ass Beagle!

Remember, my friends and fellow Steemians, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Always better times ahead! Always a way through the stormy waters that block your path. Just take your time, relax and enjoy the ride!


If you are a traveler, homeless, vagabonding, couchsurfing or just have the spirit of a Nomad then join us over at #teemnomad on PAL Discord here: https://discord.gg/SgJfQkH

"Freedom is living, living isn't freedom!" - by Richard Colbert (aka @venuspcs)




I am a proud supporter of minnowsupportproject (aka minnowsupport), if you haven't already joined check them out over on their Discord Channel by clicking below:


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