[Homeless] Daily Update #12 - (Day 8 - Dinner, Meetup, Family Time!)


Yesterday I had my first (and second) ever meetup from an online meeting to a real world one. The first person I met yesterday was @matthewviii and his adorable to youngest daughters (of 4). Today I while on the way to Boulder I called him to see if he wanted to ride out there with me since I was going to be driving right through Westminster (where him, his wife and 4 daughters live). He declined but him and his wife invited me for dinner.

On the way from Boulder back to Westminster I was a little early (told to arrive anytime after 3pm) so I decided to hit up a pawn shop and see if I could find a good but cheap digital camera. My previous job had, much to my surprise, actually paid me today (although it wasn't what I was owed) so flush with a little cash I decided to shop. The very first pawn shop I went to had a Canon EOS Rebel T3 with 18/55 mm lens. Quickly I googled the camera and read the specs....1080p@30fps video, 12.2 megapixel stills images, auto zoom, auto focus.....this was what I needed. The first listing that came up was a used one on Amazon for over $400. I looked down at the price tag on the camera and was blown away when I saw $165. I was so shocked I did something I never do, I whipped out my credit card and paid what they were asking with no bickering.

Then I headed the 5 miles on over to Matthew's house and arrived to find his two youngest daughters playing in the front yard (the ones I met yesterday). They immediately started talking to me like I was their Uncle or Older Brother. Immediately I relaxed, pushed the social anxiety deep into a crevasse and proceeded into the house. Upon my arrival the wife and 2nd oldest daughter where not home. So Matt and I had hung for a bit with his two youngest, anxiously awaiting the arrival of Chef Wife.

After almost 5 hours of hanging out, enjoying a nice dinner and getting to know Matt, his wife and three daughters I thanked them for their hospitality, took a quick photo with Matt and made my leave. While I did make sure I got everyone's names I must confess I forgot them all before my van was even cranked....well except for the next to youngest daughter "Winter".....I mean who the hell would forget that name?

Matt and I both trying to take pictures at same time.....aren't we clowns!

When I got out to my van I grabbed my new (used) camera and snapped this pic while showing it off to Matt. That is a front door of a multi-level (split level) house that him and his family reside in.


As I was leaving his neighborhood I stopped at a stop sign and quickly snapped these pics with the Canon of the Eastern Slopes of the Rocky Mountains.






I am very grateful to @matthewviii and his family for making me feel welcome and inviting me into their home for dinner. While I am largely at peace with my current situation little gestures like theirs definitely brighten my day and give additional hope in these trying times.


If you are a traveler, homeless, vagabonding, couchsurfing or just have the spirit of a Nomad then join us over at #teemnomad on PAL Discord here: https://discord.gg/SgJfQkH

"Freedom is living, living isn't freedom!" - by Richard Colbert (aka @venuspcs)




I am a proud supporter of minnowsupportproject (aka minnowsupport), if you haven't already joined check them out over on their Discord Channel by clicking below:


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