[Homeless] Daily Update #13 - (Day 9 - Early Morning Surprises!)

Restless Night

I parked at a closed down Walmart on Youngstown Rd in Wheat Ridge, CO last night to sleep. I was so tired when I parked and laid down I didn't even partake in the herbal goodness that is Colorado. As a result I was restless all night and kept waking every 10 minutes or so.

Furry Neighbors

When I finally said "screw this" and got out of bed at 4 AM MST this morning I sat on the edge of my bed and opened the side doors of the van. There about 50 feet away, in the middle of a concrete parking lot was a cute little furry bunny rabbit eating weeds growing through the concrete by a light pole. By the time I awoke enough to see straight and grabbed my camera he scurried off into the shadows of some nearby shrubbery.

Disappointment Prevails

Sad I wasn't able to photograph the bunny with my Canon EOS Digital Reberl T3 I decided to head to the next Walmart about 5 miles away in Lakewood, CO and get a tri-pod and Solar Lens' for my camera. Upon arrival at the Walmart in Lakewood I discovered they are not 24 hours and I was going to have to wait until 6 AM for them to open. Determined to end my streak of disappointments this morning I grabbed my camera and started snapping pics of the Morning Sky. The dichotomy of the vista before me was intriguing to say the least.




Next steps

It is likely going to be at least another week before I get approved with Uber and get back to work. So in the meantime I am going to keep writing/photographing and maybe even videographing. Hopefully, today, I will finally find the focus to start writing my book "Analysis of Homelessness - The Who, How and Why!". I have had several Steemians ask me to write this and it is something that I have a lot of experience with and am very passionate about....which is why I am finding it hard to write.

Once I get back to work, driving an Uber, I am going to keep writing and posting daily "[Homeless] Daily Update" posts and will likely start a less frequent "Things that happen in my Uber" series. I will also keep writing the book "Analysis of Homelessness - The Who, How and Why!" and will be posting new chapters as they are completed. Once the book is finished I will compile it all into an eBook and publish to Amazon.


If you are a traveler, homeless, vagabonding, couchsurfing or just have the spirit of a Nomad then join us over at #teemnomad on PAL Discord here: https://discord.gg/SgJfQkH

"Freedom is living, living isn't freedom!" - by Richard Colbert (aka @venuspcs)




I am a proud supporter of minnowsupportproject (aka minnowsupport), if you haven't already joined check them out over on their Discord Channel by clicking below:


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