How can we all fulfill all of our basic needs as we have the right to!? - Homeless / in need awareness rewards project & game

How may I, you, and all make a difference for the better of I, you, and all?

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credit: pinterest

Two years ago I set out away from everything. I was seeking to connect to disconnect and disconnect to connect.

Disconnected from family, society, and work life as is told and lived by so many around me. It is an illusion that is believed to be real although it is not and most people can not see or live beyond it.

I am a middle aged white person. This is seen as privileged in some ways and some environments. But this is all open to perspective. I also played basketball on a basketball court when I was the only white person on the court in an inner city area. I lived and grew up in a suburb just outside of the city.

I was in the Boy Scouts for eight years. Reached the rank of Eagle Scout. One troop I camped with camped with another troop of handicap children. Was great to see them able to get out into nature with us. Nature does them so much good!

Have studied Math through Calculus which I did in my head in High School. Also studied IPS, Introduction to Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Microbiology, Anatomy & Physiology. Born two months premature. Family was told I may not live. They didn't know if I would or not at one point. Put on medication and told my family it might make me retarded. Taken off of it because my Mom was adamant in such. Not wanting me to be on them when I went under for eye surgery when I was just under one year old. But the medication was to stop seizures. Could be a lesser of two evils.

I wonder how I may help others to help others. I have many ideas over the years are all broken down by own limited means. Yet our means are unlimited.

credit: cindysense

What do I want to be when I grow up? I remember being asked this question. I never had an answer. You see I just want to be. Just to be me. Not to be anyone else. What is this grow up thing / idea? Have come to learn so much about life. I love philosophy. To think differently. Think outside the box. How about outside the dimension or the universe!?

Last year when I lived more freely than anyone I know. You see in the USA you have more right to live freely than most of the rest of the world. But no one seems to know this! These ideas so called "laws" are not laws. They are ideas. No one needs to believe in them. Please understand I am not against laws. Rules are important when one causes loss or harm to another or self. Just an extreme thought to help open up your mind.

On this day last year I woke up in the woods and went to sleep in the woods. Not even a tent or anything. Many people have told me I need a home. Well no I don't. Not the home that you think you need.

I have a hard time when people ask how are you or who are you. For I do not exist. Such questions and answers are outside of me and myself or my self. They are the collective experience of "me" with others (other me-s).

You may have heard of Hermes. He was not a god. Some may say a man. I am saying a mind, or a thought like anyone or anything else.


His first principle of mental-ism: "The mind is all. The universe is mental."

Back to so called homeless people. They are not homeless. That is just a perspective. Think about the statement of "Home is where the heart is." Does a homeless person need more. Well yes they do. The resources out in the world for everyone have been mismanaged. All the macro-management idea don't work! Societies number in the billions. Yet the ideal size is like 40 people. Anything more is problematic. Every time you introduce a new person and connection there is an increase in complexity. Simplicity is they key.

Everyone needs their basic needs fulfilled. Also everyone has the right to basic needs. Forget about all boundaries. They are all illusions. Let me talk about numbers for just a moment in an attempt to illustrate something.

Numbers we all know something about them. But there is a thought that zero (0), one (1), and two (2) are numbers. Well they are not. Numbers go from three (3) to (9). Zero (0), One (1), and two (2) are useful in their own ways especially when making calculations, counting, sharing, and so on. This idea is from the nature of Pythagorean ideas. Can go more into detail another time / post. Feel free to think of them as numbers. I'm not trying to create problems or confusion. There are no problems. There are only misunderstandings.


Also just as a mention there is no right or wrong. Just consequence.

Zero is considered nothing. But it could be everything. One is considered one. One could be everything.
Two is one and one with two things many times being opposites or mirrors of each other.

There is also an idea that everything you know is wrong. Of course you can use that in a way that everything I know is wrong. But my idea is different. Not that anyone is wrong. However not that anyone is right either. I do believe I have a better understanding than others about some things. But I also believe everyone has a better understanding about everything than me.

On a side note. I do not exist. Time does not exist. Maybe I am my thought. For my thought is the only thing that may possibly be mine. Maybe for a moment. All there is is the present. All there is is now.

Part of my purpose to think. For you to think. Hoping I have opened your mind more now than the previous now.

If a so called "homeless" person is in need. What is the simplest solution so that they are no longer in need?

We must learn from nature. Beings in nature appear to have far less problems than we do. In nature if something needs sleep it simply finds a place to sleep. It has that right. We have that right too! Although we have been taught to think otherwise. A man can go to sleep anywhere. I strongly dislike when someone of supposed authority say "You can't..." Well I can, and anyone can. Maybe some action isn't best suited for that moment. But they still can. Especially if they are not causing loss or harm.

So maybe instead of telling so called "homeless" they can't... because they can... naturally they can and have the right to given the laws of nature. Man does not have the right to say or think otherwise!

So if it not wanted or desired for the so called "homeless" to be as they are in relation to others. Then how may they be that is accepted.

Many of the so called "Homeless" are more than happy to help anyone that needs help. Yet those that don't need help and have more than they need supposedly can not help. There is a big problem with this way of thinking.

I believe people everywhere have a duty to help everyone else. This in turn helps everyone. This ultimately includes nature and Earth too.

How can we all fulfill all of our basic needs as we have the right to!?

Without any of these mental boundary illusions we just simply help each other.

But we find ourselves constrained by thoughts not of our own.

In my life I have been free from much of the thoughts of others in numerous ways. Many times it has been of great experience and also realization!

Credit: totallyfreeinc

I've also seen homeless people that you would never know they were so called homeless. They may not have a traditional home and life. But one can still make wealth by helping others with their skills. While living in the woods or somewhere. Finding most of their food in nature or dumpster diving. Maybe bath in nature's water. Or have a gym membership somewhere to get showers. Plenty of laundromats around. Just helps to have a storage unit somewhere. There are some life hacks that can enable such a life. Although not easy to do or know how to do. There are no courses anywhere on "how to live for free", only education ideas in the realm of slavery and modern societies.


In closing my point is to possibly work towards way(s) to create awareness of homeless people. What they need and can also provide. How they can have some shelter some where along with basic needs of food, clean water, and basic hygiene.

On my journey last year I spent a lot of time with homeless or needy people. I helped many of them. They freely helped and fed me if they could. Many times just talking to them helped them out. Some had a place to stay. Some had money. Some had food. Just missing some basic need. And our idea of society is what is of consequence to their life. If it were not for such thoughts and ideas, they would be able to freely fulfill their needs from nature and the universe as man did before such societies.

Not needing to help myself with the expense of society ideas. Was better able to help myself and others!.

However don't get me wrong technology, and societies have many good points too. If it weren't for such we wouldn't be able to go on the internet and use steem(it) as we are doing here and now. So let us do and make more forward to better ourselves and others!


"Do a good turn daily" (Scout slogan)

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