HARDSHIPS ON THE HOMESTEAD: The perils of poison ivy PART 1

As many of you know, we purchased land in Arkansas last month after living our whole lives in the Peoples Republic of Wisconsin.

After exploring our humble little 12 acres we have discovered an abundance of wild grapes, blackberries, strawberries, chives, red-buds, clovers, garlic, sassafras, persimmons, and mulberries. It's a veritable Garden of Eatin'. What a blessing it is to have such readily available food sources.

Unfortunately, it hasn't completely escaped from Adam's curse. We have since discovered, in oh so painful ways, that our land has literal crap TONS of thriving POISON IVY.

It shouldn’t be surprising, but it can be a hardship on the homestead to regularly encounter these landmines of painful itchiness.

Up in Wisconsin I never encountered this dreadful stuff, but since moving to Arkansas my wife and I have repeatedly been the victims of Poison Ivy's toxin named Urushiol (the oil that causes the itch). So I figured the best way to help y’all avoid unnecessary painful itchiness is to play a game. Well it's not much of a game, more like a show and tell. Shall we?


Here’s a pic of my kids innocently weeding pots with the toxin just mere feet of brushing any part of their clothing or skin and causing trouble.

Can you find the poison ivy?

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Here’s what most of our untamed land looks like. Can you find it?


Here’s another shot a little closer. Can you find it?


And now that you’re experts, here’s a tricky one.

You’ve heard, “leaves of three, let it be” But which one?


Poison IVY How bad can it be?

I’ve been almost carried away by mosquitos on the lakes of Wisconsin, bitten by chiggers after walking through tall grasses here in Arkansas, nibbled on by horseflies, and much more, but nothing, I repeat NOTHING compares to the itch of the IVY. Which really isn't an Ivy at all. It's actually related to the cashew family. That's a bummer, cuz' I love cashews.

Here’s a pic of my wife’s foot ( @allforthegood )after our dog--which had previously touched poison ivy--brushed her foot. She itched it thinking it was a regular bug bite. Boy, howdy! Was she ever wrong!


And that’s nothing compared to my tales of terror. I cut down a tree last fall, having to wrap my arms around it's trunk in order to attach a pull chain. Little did I know that the tree was covered in ivy vines without the leaves. My chest and forearms broke out in painful blisters. It took months for the itch to go away.

And it can get worse…


I hear you crying out to stop so I digress.

The horrors of this innocent looking plant are enough to set your teeth on edge.

I dare you to Google “poison ivy skin reaction images” Let that whet your appetite until you read Part 2 on the Perils of Poison Ivy.

Have you ever reacted to this stuff? If so, tell me about it. Misery loves company.

Thanks for Reading!

As Always,

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