Homestead Update 8-31-2017

 As  the outer bands of what is left of Hurricane Harvey reach southern  Kentucky our thoughts and prayers turn towards those who have been  devastated by flooding to the south of us.  It was incredible to see how  people came and still are coming together.  No race, no social status,  no rich, no poor, just Americans helping Americans!  It returns my  belief that the average every day American who is a good and decent  person will give all to their neighbors when it is needed.

With  that said I would encourage everyone to give something to those who  have lost everything, even if it is just a dollar, give something.

Now  we are expecting three days of rain and so far, it has been nothing but  a heavy rain shower that lasted for about 6 hours, more coming later.   Depending on who you listen to, we are expecting anywhere from 2” to 10”  which is pretty much a non-event for us, folks who live in lower area  may see some flooding, we shall see. 

 On the homestead we are pretty much done with summer gardening, the  squash and zucchini have died out, the tomatoes are hanging on, but all  the rain we have gotten will be tough on them, we are not expecting  much.Basil is growing like there is no tomorrow, it’s time to put up some pesto! 

 We have started out planting our fall / winter garden.  Radish, Carrots,  Broccoli, brussel sprouts, Winter Squash and cabbage are all started in  the green house.  We will also plant one more round of lettuce and  kale.  

 Speaking of the green house we had a big cold front come through last  week which sparked some strong storms with high winds, unfortunately we  sustained some damage to the green house, not too bad and is certainly  reparable.  

 Just something to add to the list, the list that keeps growing!

Our  chickens had an exciting week, we merged our flocks.  The 16-week old’s  finally made it outside to the pasture.  I have a post on that if you  want to learn more about the excitement!  Check it out here:@svfarms/merging-our-chicken-flockWe  now have 53 chickens in one flock our on pasture, they are loving it  and actually getting along pretty good, much better than I thought they  would.  Here is an updated video:


 In the coming weeks, we will be getting some meat birds in and  getting a new chicken tractor built for them.  I think we will be going  with a Cornish Cross, raised on pasture they should be full grown in  about 60 to 70 days and ready for butchering just before the cold  weather kicks in. We need to get the freezer full of chicken for the winter!With  all this rainy weather, I thought I would end with some photos of some  the flowers that are showing off their colors right now! 

 And last but not least we go some food preservation done!  We made probably 3 years worth of ketchup and some hot pepper mix. 

 And Beans, Beans, Beans.... 


Well  folks that’s all for now, we will keep you updated and please leave us a  comment and let us know how we are doing, always love the feedback and  hearing about your experiences!

Will see y’all, have a great day! 

Bob & Colleen Browning

Serenity Valley Farms

Monticello, KY

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