Making coffee from Jerusalem artichoke (topinambour)

In recent post @sagescrub described how to prepare omelette with Dandelions.

I've tried to use wild food too. Last year I've made a coffee from topinambour.

I know what Jerusalem artichoke(topinambour) is considered to be a cultivated plant, which have a mass of benefits, but in my case it is rather a weed.


It grows in my village a lot, so I wanted to come up with some nice way to recycle it.
Jerusalem artichoke is a perennial plant, its tubers perfectly winter in the Kaliningrad climate, and excellent reproduce themselves, it's enough just to leave them in the ground.

To make tea - coffee - drink - rocket fuel from Jerusalem artichoke, first of all you need to dig it. It is desirable to take big tubers - they are more convenient to clean. There is an opinion that the tubers of Jerusalem artichoke are more delicious in spring, after wintering, but I tried only the autumn ones.

Collected tubers need to be washed and cleaned. Then grind, the smaller - the better.

Shredded tubers are fried in a pan. Time roasting - by eye. The stronger the fry, the darker the drink will turn out.

After roasting let it cool and grind it in a coffee grinder. You can do without a coffee grinder, I did not notice the difference in taste. Then the mixture is poured into the coffee press and pour boiling water for 10 minutes.

Here is such a simple recipe.

Well, in the end, a small video about the brewing of Jerusalem artichoke, which I made couple years ago (video in Russian, but I think everything will be clear without words).

P.S. A little bit about the taste of the received drink - it's awful :) It seems that you are drinking oil, but if you like to drink oil that kind of coffee is for you :)

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