DIY Vacuum Seeder

Have you ever tried seeding individual lettuce seeds into cells of a 10 x 20 flat? Those buggers are so tiny. I know you can get pelleted seeds. I use them myself often enough. Sometimes, however, you just can't seem to find them for a particular variety you'd like to grow. This doesn't include just lettuce either. Brassica seeds are tiny. Pac Choy is another tiny seed that comes to mind. Heck, even tomato and pepper seeds can be a pain to handle by hand. My ultimate solution was to create this vacuum seeder.

To start with, you need to get yourself a 10ml luer lock tip syringe and drill a 1/4" hole near the tip.

You will also need a 10cc glue dispenser syringe adapter. is a good place to find these.

Next you'll have to devise a solution to hook this up to a vacuum cleaner. I used a PVC end cap with a 1/4" hole drilled in the middle. With a little bit of insulation added I was able to connect this to my shop vac.

Finally, you'll also have to get yourself some dispensing needles. You can get an assortment of different sizes on

When all is said and done, you'll have something that looks like this. Check out the YouTube video below to see this thing in action.

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