CHRISTMAS BAKING.....Festive...Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls.....My Families Favorite....Easy

Today I continue baking for the family for our holiday season. With 2 out of 3 kids in University, relying on cafeteria food most of the year, I like to spoil them and give them lots of home cooking when they are home. So today the all time favorite, Peanut Butter Balls. So follow me for the recipe and instructions.

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So first things you need are as follows.

1 Cup of Confection Sugar, or Icing Sugar
2 Tblsp Melted Butter does not matter if salted or not
1 cup of Creamy Peanut Butter
1 1/2 cups of Rice Krispies or some kind of crispy cereal like Special K
1 1/2 cups (but you really do need more) chocolate chips, or bakers chocolate dark or white
Some kind of festive decoration or sprinkle whichever

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Now let's talk about the whole chocolate thing. I have a 13 year old daughter who discovered my chocolate stash, and has worked her way down to almost an empty bag, so I in turn, stole her frozen chocolate Easter Bunny that I found in the freezer. Works like a charm for this recipe. MOM WIN! LOL

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Works great right from frozen. Even though it was a Milk Chocolate bunny, I just mixed it in with the rest of my bakers chocolate squares.

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She had already eaten the ears and face of poor Mr. Bunny so in went the body.

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Next you take the melted butter and Peanut Butter and mix together. Then add the Sugar and the Rice Krispies.
Now you will want to drop a spoonful on a sheet of wax paper. They are really quite sticky so I just use a spoon and a knife.

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Now you need to go and throw them into the freezer for about a half hour, trust me they are so much easier to work with when they are frozen.

Then you take them out of the freezer and get a skewer and poke the frozen blob and dip it into the melted chocolate and replace back onto the wax paper. Then sprinkle with your decoration. When your done, throw the sheet back into the freezer to let the chocolate solidify. And VOILA festive Peanut Butter Balls. They should be stored in the fridge or freezer, in a deep dark place so the kids don't find them, this way you will still have some left for Christmas Day Dinner.

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Happy Christmas Baking Trails Folks

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