Goings on at Our Homestead This Week - Bracelets, Chickens, and Resurrections

Oh man! I've hardly been on Steemit in a few days! We've been up to quite a lot. I've been working for my mom at her upholstery shop and Sean has been working on projects here at the house. The chicken coop has four corners and floor joists. It's just been so rainy and cold, working outside is almost impossible. Not with electric tools anyway!

I put up some of my wire wrapped tumbled stone pendants for sale in my Etsy shop and sold a few! I've also learned to make bracelets and I've sold a few of those as well. So my time has been taken up by making inventory for the shop. My fingers hurt from pushing wire. Ouch!

Here are some of the bracelets I've made. There are more in the shop if you're interested. ;)






In other news homesteading news, we butchered three more roosters and an older hen which had stopped laying. @tiredmama and her man helped and got to take home two of the birds. So now we are down to one rooster, Cluck Norris, and 10 hens...I think. Chicken math is hard. Haha!




Also...I owe a huge thank you to @jasonrussell!!! He and his wife @melodyrussell were out at the house taking our son's Senior pictures when I had him take a look at my rock tumbler. Turns out @alaskahippie was right! It just needed lube! After a few good sprays of WD-40 and a flick of the finger and the motor took off like new! So thank you, @alaskahippie and @jasonrussell for your help in saving me $130!!!

So that's about all that's been going on. I'm hoping for nice photo-taking weather soon. I'm also hoping to get to a stopping point on making bracelets, I think I'll finish tomorrow. I have a batch of rocks that just finished their second week of grit. I will photograph the ones I've been following and then get them in for the first week of polish.

Thanks for stopping by! What have I missed?!?! It's so hard to keep up!! I seriously can't leave for more than few hours without getting lost. I hope I didn't miss anything terribly important. If I did, give me a heads up! Thanks!

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